View this email in your browser 💻 December 20, 2022

❄️ Welcome to El Boletin's Holiday Edition ❄️

This week we want to dedicate this newsletter to commemorate Contracorriente's 5th anniversary, go over the main news of the year, and thank you all for being part of this journey with us!

🎉 The Birth of Contracorriente 🎉
A Story of Resistance

In 2015, following the embezzlement of Honduras’ healthcare system by government officials, people across Honduras gathered to defy the system and demand a change. These people became known as “los indignados” and, from there, resistance once again became an active form of Honduran identity. 

Honduras' need for transparency and truth led journalists to envision a new way of telling stories. A collaborative effort was born to brainstorm for a new type of Honduran journalism centered on innovation, in-depth investigations, and technology. Our founders, Jennifer and Catherine were part of that movement and became determined to create a media platform dedicated to telling the reality of the Honduran people. After years of collaborative planning, creating, and working, in 2017 the first Contracorriente article was published. Five years after its foundation, Contracorriente continues to bring in-depth journalism and communicate the reality of Honduras in and outside of the country.

As a group of journalists, the Contracorriente team has also become a family, one dedicated to informing and creating a better Honduran reality.  To celebrate Contracorriente's trajectory and independent journalism, the team gathered in San Pedro Sula and hosted Contracorriente's Fest! The festival was composed of live music, traditional Garifuna food, and workshops on ethical independent journalism! Check out some of the pictures of the team and festival below!!! 

 🎄A Recap of  CCEnglish 🎄

Throughout the year, Contracorriente English released a number of articles relating to Honduras' politics, human rights, and the environment. Here are the main stories of the year! 

The full story of how former Honduran president Hernández was cuffed and arrested recently

February 15, 2022


Broken promises for women, agriculture, and the environment mark Xiomara Castro’s first 100 days

May 7, 2022


Berta Cáceres supporters accuse the Atala clan of complicity in her murder

June 22, 2022



Changing the Narrative: The Climate Crisis from a Central American Perspective
October 4, 2022

Honduras joins El Salvador in declaring state of exception to combat organized crime

November 25, 2022

Just released:

No Transparency, No Consultation: Drilling for Oil in La Mosquitia

December 7, 2022
🎁 Thank you! 🎁
Five years ago Contracorriente was founded with a mission to report on Honduras’ reality and dive into in-depth investigations. Contracorriente English has been a part of that mission, reporting about Honduras across borders and language. For that the Contracorriente team thanks you! Whether you joined us recently or have been subscribed to the newsletter from the beginning, thank you for being our audience, supporting independent journalism, and betting on Honduras’ reality. Have a wonderful holiday season and end of the year!

See you all next year with the same passion and more content

Jorge Paz Reyes 
English Content Editor
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Producciones Red Comunica, Investiga y Conecta S. de R. L. De C. V. · Bosques de Jucutuma, Bloque A, Calle 2, San Pedro Sula, Cortés · San Pedro Sula, Cortes 21102 · Honduras

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