
Simple GIT Tips to Stay Sane During the Holidays

'Tis the holiday season. It's nuts. Everyone is nuts. You're eating too many nuts. Your children are acting like nuts. If you want to get off the crazy train before your nut cracks here are 5 simple tips for staying sane during the holidays.

Love, Eirene


GIT Holiday Tip #1 

Move your body everyday

Schedule it and then do it, even if it's for only 30 minutes. You're reading this and rolling your eyes thinking, "Yeah, right woman, you can't even begin to understand my to-do list." I don't care because studies prove you will be less cranky, feel more awake, and less irritation with everyone who is currently annoying you – so just do it!

GIT Holiday Tip #2 

Make 1 to-do list on 1 piece of paper and decide on due dates for each one

Write everything down that is weighing on your brain and get it out of there. Any time something pops up that you need to do, write it down. This way you won't forget anything. Mommy Brain doesn't go away after your babies are older; we just get better at accepting it and working with it.

GIT Holiday Tip #3 
Be real with yourself on your timeline

There are only so many hours in the day and maybe you'll have to shift your schedule and priorities around just this one time. If you have to reschedule volunteering in the school library it does not make you a terrible mother, it makes you a smart and sane one because you're taking care of YOUR family first by honoring what you need.

GIT Holiday Tip #4 

Plan a fun outing to look forward to after the holiday crunch

Think of this as your lifeline anytime you feel your blood pressure rise this holiday season. Whatever your brain needs: day drinking, hiding in bed watching a movie, a massage... it doesn't matter what it is. So when you're exhausted and stressed, envision your lifeline moment and the current craziness will bother you much less.

GIT Holiday Tip #5

Say no and say it guilt-free

Here's the thing: you know yourself best. You know if you take on one more party invitation or request that you have zero interest in doing you're going to scream. It's okay to say no. I recently said "No" to attending an event at my children's school and because I directly and politely explained why, the event planner was thrilled with my frankness and another mom actually leaned in saying, "You're amazing for standing up for your needs." I'm good at doing what makes me happy and acting professionally toward others. Don't be a doormat in 2023, or ever.

Do you know someone who could use these #GITMom tips? Please share!

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