Your friends at Heart House wish you a Happy New Year!

With gratitude to you, 

I wish to thank everyone for the generous contributions and support given in 2022.  Our end-of-year campaign surpassed our goal and we raised over $5K because of your support!  

Over the holidays, I thought a lot about our students and our mission: to use education as a catalyst to combat poverty and promote equity for the most vulnerable in our city: refugee and immigrant children.


Most people are creating resolutions about things they’d like to change and improve in their lives for the upcoming year.  My resolution is to ensure our students receive the needed educational support to achieve success.  Heart House has seen its share of recent struggles, but through it all our heart has been with our students.  I want to personally thank our students and their families, our hardworking staff, our board, and our amazing community of supporters such as you! 

As we look ahead to 2023, I want to reflect on 2022.
Last year, Heart House:

  • Served 131 students in Vickery Meadow
  • Piloted a new school-based program model by partnering with Dallas Independent School District
Looking for Community Partnerships

We are always looking for groups to share new and exciting project-based learning activities with our students! 

If your group is interested in
helping plan an activity with Heart House students, please reach out to Manju Warrier at
Please click the button below to donate to Heart House.
Thank you for being a major part of the ❤️ in Heart House!
Click here to Donate!
Volunteer this year!

Did you know that if you have at least three hours, one day a week, you could volunteer at Heart House? You must pass a Dallas Independent School District’s background check and commit to at least one month of service.

For more information about becoming a Heart House volunteer, please click the button below or contact our volunteer coordinator at
Learn more about Volunteering here!

Thank you for your support,


Amber Martin
Executive Director
(214) 750-7637
Copyright © 2023 Heart House, All rights reserved.

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