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It's our first membership Snack and Share!

This Thursday, January 19th, from 11:30am-1:00pm, Recycle Colorado will host its first Snack and Share. This month, we will be celebrating achievements and milestones, sharing what's in store for Recycle Colorado in 2023, and creating space to share challenges and brainstorm solutions. All members and nonmembers are welcome to join. Click the button below to be added to the emailing list and calendar invites.
Join the Snack & Share Meetings!
Join us for Lobby Day 2023

Lobby Day will take place on February 7th this year. This is a great time to meet legislators & make sure our voice is heard at the capitol when it comes to recycling, composting and zero waste.
If you are interested in joining us for Lobby Day, you can find more details on our website. This is a free opportunity, all the information and training you need will be provided, as well as breakfast and lunch. You won’t be alone when speaking with legislators! Everyone will be in small groups and each group will have an experienced leader. 
Register for Lobby Day 2023!
Council and Committee meetings for 2023 are in the calendar! If you would like to join a council or committee or one of these meetings, please reach out to us with you interests.
See All Upcoming Events!
The Time to Renew with Recycle Colorado is NOW
Recycle Colorado members at the Community Partner and Individual level have been invoiced for the 2023 membership year. If you did not receive an invoice, please contact us. All other Recycle Colorado Members will be contacted by a Recycle Colorado board member as part of the renewal process. If you would like to receive an invoice immediately, please contact us
View the 2021 & 2022 Recycle Colorado Annual Report
Recycle Colorado was able to overcome internal and global challenges in the last two years. In our report we will cover how we were able to overcome these challenges while celebrating the hard work of our staff, board, and members. We are so thankful for the continued support. Without you all, our work would not be possible!

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Recycle Colorado · 205 Ken Pratt Blvd ste 120, #73 · Longmont, Colorado 80501 · USA

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