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January 5th, 2023

Embrace the Grace - Weekly Reflection

If we never experienced the darkness, we wouldn’t appreciate the light.

There is a reason we in the Chicagoland area enjoy a sunny 72-degree day in July. Why? Because we compare it to the 10-below day we froze in December and we know which one we prefer.

We’ve all been sick at some point in life, and we know how we feel once we regain health.

This is the life of contrasts. It plays itself out in the spiritual realm, too, in the battle of good and evil. We look at a first responder charge into a burning house to save two young children and we say, “that’s a good person.” We also see a stranger randomly push an innocent child onto train tracks and we say, “Oh my God, that’s such an evil act.”

Sometimes we have to be reminded that this world as it is today is NOT heaven. Yes, our redemption is at hand in and through the Person of Jesus, the Christ, but for now, the wheat and the weeds grow side by side. Our job is not to make the final judgment. That belongs to the Lord.

What can we do in the here and now? Live in the light. Allow the divine light to penetrate any darkness in your heart. This light has been given to us in Jesus. The Epiphany we celebrate this week is God’s eternal light breaking into the darkness of the world. Once we live in the light, then we can be a light for others. Light overcomes the darkness.

Life really is a series of choices. May the good Lord help us to choose the Light.

Fr. Bob

With 2023 just a few days away, pick up your Feasts and Saints Calendar available at either church narthex. Donated as a gift to our parishioners by Foran Funeral Home (7300 W Archer Ave, Summit, IL 60501) and Central Chapels Funeral & Cremations (6158 South Central Ave, Chicago, IL 60638), these calendars showcase beautiful artwork depicting our faith.
Ever try to pray only to soon find out you don't know what to do? Ever visit a Holy Hour in front of the Monstrance and become frustrated because you didn't know what to do? Here are a few suggestions as to how to make a good holy hour.

MINUTES 0-5: Meditate on the following quote from the Catechism of the Catholic Church: "God calls man first. Man may forget his Creator or hide far from his face; he may run after idols or accuse the deity of having abandoned him; yet the living and true God tirelessly calls each person to that mysterious encounter known as prayer. In prayer, God's initiative of love always comes first; our own first step is always a response." (no. 2567)
MINUTES 5-10: Look in your heart; look at your life. What do you want? What do you really want from God? Tell God right now what you need from Him during this time of prayer.
MINUTES 10-15: Find a passage from the Bible. Maybe it's a Psalm; maybe it's the readings from daily Mass; maybe it's the readings at the upcoming Sunday Mass. Find a passage from Scripture. Read the passage slowly. Get familiar with the text. Read the passage a second time, this time read it even slower. Very, very slowly read the passage a third time. Pay attention to which word, words, or phrases "tug" at your heart or get your attention.
MINUTES 15-25: Think about your life; think about the reality of your life. What are the word, words, or phrases from the Bible speaking to in your life? How does the Bible passage connect to your life? Look deep within.
MINUTES 25-35: Talk to God. Talk to God as if He were a real person. Talk to God like Moses did: "The Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as one man speaks to another." (Exodus 33:11)
MINUTES 35-45: Listen. God will speak to you. Maybe God will speak to you through a thought in your head ... or a song in your heart .…. or a memory ... or a feeling in your body. Listen with all your senses. MINUTES 45-50: Return to the Scripture passage again. Read it slowly one more time. Is there any word, words, or phrases that speak to you again?
MINUTES 50-55: What can you do today, this week, to act on what God has revealed to you? Practically speaking, in your real life, what can you do?
MINUTES 55-60: Thank the Lord. Blessings are specific and so should our gratitude. Tell God specifically what you're thankful for.

However you pray, make an effort in 2023 to spend time with Christ at Holy Hour. He's waiting for you to join him!

"He said to Peter, “So you could not keep watch with me for one hour? Watch and pray that you may not undergo the test. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”"

Mt 26:40-41
Are you looking to baptize your child but now sure how to start? Do you know someone who's been asking about how to go about having their child receive the first sacrament of initiation of the church?

Register for our upcoming Baptismal Preparation Class and get the ball rolling. The next Baptismal Session is January 13th at our St. René Goupil Church. Pre-register online here.
Have you received your copy of Holy Moments by Matthew Kelly? Many of you know how much Father Bob loves to read, and this is one of those books you'll love. From the Parish to you. Be sure to visit either church narthex to pick up your copy.
Parish Parking Reminders

There are two parking reminders we would like to highlight
  1. Please do not park in Church Fire Lanes:
    • St. René Goupil Fire Lanes - east side of covered Church entry doors
    • St. Symphorosa Fire Lanes – Handicap ramp along the east side of the church
  2. Please do not park any vehicles overnight in any of our parish parking lots:
    • We need these areas clear during the winter for plowing/salting.
    • Unfortunately, any overnight vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
The Parish appreciates everyone’s understanding. We are trying to ensure that Two Holy Martyrs Parish provides a safe environment for our parishioners, school families, staff, and visitors who attend mass and spend time at our two campus locations throughout the year.
Introducing our new Family Room at our St. René Goupil Church!

We are happy to announce that we have set up the day chapel at our St. René Goupil Church for families with children! Don't miss out on the Sacred Liturgy because of an active child. Families will be able to still participate in the Mass and not worry about impacting others.
We are a parish that welcomes your family to celebrate Mass!

Masses at St. René Goupil are as follows:
Saturdays - 4 PM
Sundays - 7:30 AM & 10:30 AM
It is an ancient and noble practice to pray for the living and the dead at Mass. The greatest and most powerful prayer we have is the Mass since the fruits of the Mass are the very fruits of Jesus' redemption made present to us. Therefore, many of us seek to book a Mass intention for our loved ones. In our parish, there are many requests for scheduling Mass intentions.

Guidelines for Mass Intentions
  1. A Mass intention may be requested for a Mass for the following reasons:
    1. A deceased loved one.
    2. A living person who is sick or suffering.
    3. A living person who is celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or other special moments in their life.
    4. In thanksgiving to God (including the Lord Jesus or the Holy Spirit).
    5. In thanksgiving for a prayer from a Blessed or a Saint.
    6. Or for a prayer intention (so long as the intention does not contradict Church teaching).
  2. A Mass intention may not be requested for a prayer intention that contradicts Catholic moral doctrine.
  3. There is a limit of four (4) intentions per Mass. If a given Mass has four intentions on a given day, please choose another Mass.
  4. Lengthy intention listings cannot be published in the Bulletin and must be edited for brevity. Since publishing the intention in the Bulletin is to notify the family and friends of the intention, we suggest omitting middle initials, titles, etc. Each intention is limited to either two names or one group. Please indicate if the person for whom the Mass is requested is living or deceased.
  5. A $10 donation is to accompany each Mass request. Intentions will not be recorded until the stipend is received. Canon Law requires that all stipends taken for Mass Intentions be said for the intention as designated.
  6. Please note that Mass intentions may be requested for Sundays, most holidays, and weekdays throughout the year.  Mass intentions cannot be scheduled for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, Easter, All Saints Day, All Souls Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, News Years Day. One Mass every Sunday and one Mass on a Holy Day of Obligation must be scheduled for the intentions of our parishioners, known as Pro Populo (For the People), as required by Canon Law.
  7. Announced Mass requests will be granted as close to the requested date and time as possible. If it is not possible to comply with the primary request, the next closest date and time will be scheduled.
**Mass intention requests to be published in the bulletin must be submitted to the parish office by Monday at 12 PM before the proceeding weekend’s liturgy.**
Sign-up online! Once we have enough volunteers committed to any ministry, follow-up communication will be sent out. Thank you for your interest!
The 2022-2023 Faith Formation Calendar is available here and on our website. Families should look at all upcoming events, Family Masses, and class dates. For questions, please contact the Faith Formation Coordinator, Peggy at (773) 767-1523 ext. 226.
For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord; so then, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.
Romans 14:8

Carol Ann Corcoran
Donal Corcoran
George Kouba
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