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In 1972 I launched my very first slimming class. Click here to read how it all began.


Over the many decades that I have been writing books on weight-loss and fitness, I have seen a wide variety of dieting fads and fashions come and go.

The styles of my own diets have changed too from when it was all about calories in my original ‘Eat Yourself Slim’ book in the 1970s, to ‘low fat’ in my Hip and Thigh Diet in 1988. In the early 2000s eating foods with a Low Gi rating became popular so I wrote my Gi Jeans Diet in 2006. More recently, in 2020, together Mary and I wrote The 28-Day Immunity Plan. Four very different styles of eating plans yet all aiming for a similar goal – to offer a diet and fitness plan to aid weight loss and promote fitness and optimise health.

During these years I have learned so much from experts who have guided and educated me – including Mary – and today, in any eating plan or recipe, I combine elements from all of these ‘nutritional styles’. I am always conscious of calories when putting a recipe together. All the carbohydrates I use in any of my recipes or meal plans have a low glycaemic rating (Gi) helping blood sugar levels to stay more constant and enabling us to feel fuller for longer. And since the pandemic, I always include and promote foods that will help to boost our immune system. The result? The recipes and principles that I now teach are super-healthy and featured on my website

I thought this week I would give a quick reminder of what foods do what so that you can understand why I suggest the recipes that I do and my thought process toward making food choices that will help you maximise nutrients and minimise the calories.

Basic Nutrition
Eating healthily is vital to our health and well-being and to do that we need to eat a variety of nutrients. Here’s a quick guide:

Protein. We need foods that contain Protein as they help with growth and repair. Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, pulses, legumes, grains, mushrooms and nuts are all rich sources of protein and they will keep us feeling fuller for longer. Pulses and grains are cheap and chicken, eggs and milk are also inexpensive, versatile and healthy. We should also aim to have one portion of oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines) each week too.

Carbohydrates are classed as complex or simple. Complex carbs are found in whole, unprocessed foods, including fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Simple carbs include sugars and starches that have been refined and stripped of their natural fibre and nutrients (eg. white bread and sugar). So, it is the complex carbs that are the good guys and they give us energy, as well as valuable fibre, vitamins and minerals. Fibre is vital to our gut and boosts our immune system. Carbs are an inexpensive and valuable part of our daily diet. Wholegrain bread, pasta, basmati rice, sweet or new potatoes with their skins on, and high-fibre cereals all have a low Gi rating too so they will keep you feeling fuller for longer. I have just recorded a new video explaining about Low Gi Foods and why they satisfy our appetite.

Fat contains twice the number of calories of protein or carbohydrate so it makes sense to cut back if we are watching our weight. Use Fry-light rapeseed oil spray instead of pouring regular oil into your pan for cooking and spread bread with sauces (eg salad dressing) rather than butter to cut back on the calories whilst still adding flavour. For our health and waistline we should avoid foods that are made with fat and/or sugar and refined carbs such as pies, cakes, biscuits, chocolate, savoury snacks, pâté and fried food. These foods are unhealthy and high in calories and will hinder your efforts to lose or control your weight.

Vegetables are incredibly good for us and full of immunity-boosting fibre, vitamins and minerals. Eat unlimited vegetables and salad as part of your healthy eating plan. Brightly coloured vegetables play a special role in boosting our immune system as they contain anti-oxidants. Vegetables are SO important to our health. They are cheap, easy to cook and very versatile. Chop or grate them into Bolognese sauce, cottage pies, casseroles and stir-fries. Also, soup made from vegetables is a valuable aid in satisfying our appetite and feeding us vital fibre and vitamins. Soups are cheap and easy to make, they freeze well and are super-healthy. We have lots of soup recipes and instructional videos on our website

Fruit is full of fibre and valuable vitamins too but because most fruits are so high in sugar, we should limit our intake to no more than two a day.

Recipe of the Week

Serves 6
Per serving: 87 calories, 0.9g fat
Prep time 10 mins
Cook Time:  30 mins

3 medium onions, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed or ½ teaspoon ‘easy garlic’
450g carrots, diced
600ml vegetable stock
1 Knorr vegetable Stock Pot
½ teaspoon ground coriander
2 tablespoons chopped fresh coriander
60ml fresh orange juice
Freshly ground black pepper
Sprigs of coriander to serve

  1. Place the onion, garlic and carrots in a large saucepan or in a soup-maker. Add the vegetable stock and the stock pot plus the ground coriander and cook for 25 minutes.
  2. Pour into a liquidiser or pulse in your soup-maker until smooth. Pause and add the fresh coriander and the orange juice and liquidise/pulse again.
  3. When serving, add a sprig of coriander.
For more recipes click here to visit the website

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

I am always in awe of the sheer number of benefits to exercising regularly and whenever I come across the extensive list, I am inspired to keep it up as much as I can for as long as I can. I feel lucky that being physically active comes naturally to me, whether that comes from my innate personality or maybe in my DNA. I just love to be moving!

Exercise works wonders in helping us to shape up as we slim down but it also has enormous health benefits that we don’t see but that can change our life.

If you have an ailment or condition that makes exercise difficult, simply focus on what you can do rather than what you can't do. I always encourage those I work with, that despite a possibly restricting condition (such as a neck or shoulder injury, bad back, or painful arthritic joints) there is always something they can do to boost their circulation and strengthen their muscles without making matters worse.

So, let’s revisit that list of benefits and I hope that, like me, when you read about the enormous value of being physically active and exercising regularly, it will motivate you to never stop, no matter what your age!

Exercise to protect our hearts

By getting slightly out of breath, and a brisk walk fits the bill perfectly, we push our heart to pump more blood with every beat, sending oxygen and valuable nutrients around our body. It is a muscle, and like any other muscle it responds brilliantly to being challenged. The end result is that our heart beats slower at rest (resting heart rate) and our blood pressure is reduced. But there is more... we improve our cholesterol and blood fat levels as well as controlling our blood sugar and insulin levels. Surely, all those positives have to encourage us to get out for a good brisk walk (or even a run for those who can!)

Exercise to power our muscles

We begin to lose muscle mass from as young as 30 years old but that can be seriously reversed by taking a whole-body approach to retaining our muscle strength. Working with weights or a resistance band (both of which work our muscles harder) is the answer and the good news is that just twice a week for 30 minutes or, if we prefer, a regular 10-minute blast on those major muscles, is all that is required.  We will then retain our 'fast twitch' muscle fibres (the fibres that reduce the most as we age) that are key to staying strong and enable us to carry out everyday tasks more easily.  We will also become a much more efficient fat burner, as stronger muscles are energy-hungry and burn many more calories.  Great if weight loss is our goal. The whole-body strength workouts on our website fit the bill perfectly.

Exercise to strengthen our bones and keep our joints mobile

Stiffening joints and brittle bones need not be an issue if we keep exercising and doing the right type of exercise. Doing bone-loading exercises is crucial if we are to prevent osteoporosis and working with weights (either a resistance band, hand weights or simply our own body weight) will keep our bone-building cells more active. It is so important that we keep those joints moving, even if we suffer from arthritis. It enables us to maintain a good range of movement that helps us to hold a good posture and makes coping with our everyday tasks considerably easier.

Exercise to enhance our mood and sleep

There is now considerable evidence of the value of exercise in decreasing symptoms of anxiety and depression. It's like giving your brain a huge boost of mood-enhancing neurochemicals! The more we move the more our body releases endorphins (the feel-good chemicals) and serotonin (which enhances our mood and feeling of wellness). It has even been found to be as effective as prescribing medicine for mild to moderate depression. 

For those who struggle to get a good night’s sleep, we know that exercise appears to improve sleep quality by reducing the time it takes to fall asleep and increasing the time spent in the deeper stages of sleep. Alternatively, if getting to sleep is your concern, then morning exercise may suit you better than later in the day, allowing the body's nervous system to wind down before bedtime.

Exercise to support our immune system

The evidence is constantly mounting regarding what an important role exercise plays in supporting the immune system. Maintaining an active lifestyle will keep that army of white blood cells working away to reduce inflammation in the body that can cause illness and disease. We also are now aware of the Thymus gland sitting above the heart that will continue to produce the all-important T cells to ward off infection. In 'active' older adults it keeps doing its job brilliantly.

Exercise to improve our balance

The biggest reason for the hospitalisation of older adults is falling and the after-effects can be life-threatening. Preventing falls in the first place has to be a priority and we constantly promote regular balance exercises to reduce the risk. It takes just a few seconds a day to stand on one leg. Make it a habit!

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Do your daily 30+ minute walk... every day!  Ideally it becomes the one constant in your 'active' life.
  2. Get out of breath at least once every day.  A hill on your daily walk? Up and down stairs 3 - 5 times?
  3. Choose a strength workout from the website that you haven't done for a while.  Maybe up the weight?  A lady I know received a Christmas present of 2kg hand weights, doubling the weight she normally uses.  A shock at first but now loves them!
Did you know... 

Coriander is a herb with a slightly bitter taste that is from a plant closely related to parsley, carrots and celery. It is often used in soups and salsas, as well as Indian, Middle Eastern, and Asian meals like curries and masalas. As well as an interesting taste it also carries some unusual properties.
  • Coriander may lower blood sugar by activating certain enzymes. In fact, it’s powerful enough that people with low blood sugar should use it cautiously.
  • Coriander is full of antioxidants that demonstrate immune-boosting, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects.
  • Coriander may protect your heart by lowering blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. A spice-rich diet appears to be associated with a lower risk of heart disease.
  • The antioxidants in coriander may reduce brain inflammation, improve memory, and reduce anxiety symptoms, though more research is needed.
  • Coriander may reduce unpleasant digestive symptoms like bloating and discomfort often experienced by people with IBS. It may also boost appetite among some people.
  • Coriander exhibits antimicrobial effects that may help fight foodborne illnesses and pathogens like Salmonella.
  • Coriander contains antioxidants that may protect your skin from aging and sun damage. It may also help treat mild skin rashes.
Information from

And finally...

Thanks to the combined knowledge and experience of both Mary and I, we are able to suggest to you what we believe to be the healthiest and most effective way of eating and the safest and most effective way to exercise to maximise your everyday wellbeing. The most valuable thing we possess is undoubtedly our health and it is up to all of us to make the effort then we shall reap the rewards. Let’s do it!
Have a great week.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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