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 A significant effort on the part of many parishioners in 2022 was welcoming two Afghan refugee families and helping them to settle into life in Wausau.  Our families are acclimating remarkably well, and thriving at work, in school and other aspects of life.
          All parishioners are invited to celebrate the one-year anniversary of our New Neighbor effort.  There will be prayer, refreshments and a brief presentation reviewing the year and introducing our new neighbors at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 15 in McKillip Hall.
The need continues for people to welcome refugee families from throughout the world.  Might you be willing to help St. Anne continue our New Neighbor initiative in 2023?  To learn more, come to the New Neighbor gathering or send an email to Fr. Tom.
ANOTHER NEW NEIGHBORS CELEBRATION: A citywide celebration on the one-year anniversary of welcoming New Neighbors will be at Thursday, Jan. 19. Click here for more information and to register.
We are just $20,000 short of reaching our our target in the INSPIRED BY THE SPIRIT campaign! If you haven’t pledged or contributed please help us meet our goal and wrap-up this important campaign. Brochures and pledge forms also are at all entrances. You can also pledge online!
Sign-up links are found here for ministries at Mass this coming weekend and for the rest of January. THANKS to those who so generously participate in these necessary roles at Mass. 
We are concluding our Advent/Christmas collecting of gift cards to be given to St. Vincent de Paul to share in their outreach to individuals and families in need.  Cards are requested for Kwik Trip, Pick ’n’ Save and Walgreens valued at $5 to $25.  Cards can be put in the collection basket at Mass.  
        Baby bottles distributed during Advent also are being collected to support the Hope Life Center and its outreach to those facing an unplanned pregnancy or dealing with a past abortion. ALL BABY BOTTLES ARE ASKED TO BE RETURNED - even if they're still empty, since they can be re-used.

THE SUNDAY READINGS ON TUESDAY: Read, discuss and pray over next Sunday's reading in a weekly gathering at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays in the Gathering Space.  It’s a great way to anticipate hearing the readings proclaimed at Mass and to gain a deeper awareness into the meaning and power of God’s word.  All are welcome!
JUST FOR KIDS: A proclamation of God's word prepared for children is offered at the 8:30 Sunday Mass. Children ages 4 to second grade are invited to gather at the altar after the Collect, or opening prayer. They return as the collection is being gathered.
Our three extraordinary nights with ValLimar Jansen are available online for the next month. Simply click on the image at left. You'll also find an earlier interview with ValLimar.
WHAT HANGING SHUTTERS TAUGHT ME FOR THE NEW YEAR: Here is the latest column by Eric Clayton, a young Catholic husband, father and writer, who strives to find God in all things. He is the author of Canonball Moments: Telling Your Story, Deepening Your Faith.
Parish worship and ministries depend upon the generosity of ALL parishioners. And, it couldn't be easier to make a contribution. Scheduling an ongoing contribution or making a one-time donation - is just a click away. Thanks to all who share generously with the parish.
Worship in-person is always ideal, but if circumstances prevent you from gathering with the community, a livestream of Mass is offered at 8:30 Sunday morning. A link is at left, as well as at the parish web site. The link can be watched anytime after 8:30. Here is a link to this week's worship aid and a link to Sunday's readings.
INTRODUCING MATTHEW'S GOSPEL: Scripture scholar John McHugh offers a spirited review of  the gospel from we'll be hearing on most Sundays in the upcoming year. The conversation begins at :40.
WELCOMING NEW NEIGHBORS: Parishioners Joan Kleist and Christine Daniels talk about the ongoing experience of welcoming refugee families to Wausau. This anticipates a one-year New Neighbor celebration at 1:30 Sunday, Jan. 15 at St. Anne to which all parishioners are invited. The conversation begins at 3:00.
RE-IMAGINING PART 1: In this February conversation, Andrew Halvorsen and Jeremy Klemen on Ellis Construction explain the initial stages of designing the construction work that had just begun. The conversation begins at 2:48.
RE-IMAGINING PART 2: Just two weeks remained before construction work was to be completed when Fr. Tom talked about the project and its progress with Joe Leaver, the project manager for Ellis Construction. The conversation begins at 1:30.
RE-IMAGINING - THE DEDICATION: Fr. Chris Rouech, a friend of Fr. Tom, offers helpful insight and background on the Rite of Dedication of an Altar, which the parish celebrated June 19. The conversation begins at 2:00.
THE SYNOD ON SYNODALITY: This upcoming and ongoing experience of the Church is one of Pope Francis' greatest priorities. Kristin Kohlberg talked about the Synod and her work as part of Vatican preparations for the Synod. The conversation starts at :38.
REGARDING UKRAINE: Newman Catholic High School history teacher Ryan Moore offers helpful background and insight on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a war that was just a month old when this conversation occurred.  It begins at 3:00.
SISTER THEA: Greg Linn introduces viewers to his one-time Viterbo University professor, Sister Thea Bowman, now being promoted for sainthood. The conversation starts at 1:20. ValLimar Jansen also brought a different perspective to Sister Thea's life in her one-woman presentation at St. Anne in December.
ST. BENEDICT: Brother Paul Vincent Niebauer talks about someone he knows well as a Benedictine monk. The conversation starts at 1:20. 
BLESSED SOLANUS CASEY: An old friend of St. Anne parishioners, Fr. Dan Crosby, OFMCap, shares the story of Blessed Solanus Casey, a Wisconsin native on the path to sainthood. The conversation starts at 1:00. 
In a recent bulletin column, Fr. Tom encouraged those who are able to donate blood to do so. Registration for a blood drive at St. Anne will open soon. Here are links to information as to immediate opportunities to give blood:
- Blood Center of North Central Wisconsin
- American Red Cross

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