
Apostles’ Lutheran Church

Join us for worship every Sunday at 10 AM.

Week of January 9, 2023

This week at Apostles':

Monday 1/9: Church office closed.

• Council meeting 6:30 PM

Tuesday 1/10: Church office open in AM.

Wednesday 1/11: Church office open in AM. Pastor's Office Hours 9:30-12:00.

• Bag packing for Food Pantry

Thursday 1/12: Church office closed.

Food Pantry open 1-3 PM

Friday 1/13 - Saturday 1/14: Church office closed.

Sunday 1/15: Worship at 10 AM.

• Annual Congregational Finance Meeting immediately after worship.

• Jefferson Care chapel service at 2 PM.

Scripture Readings for January 15th, the Second Sunday after Epiphany

Serving this Sunday:

Deacon: Rich M. ~ Readers: Laura E. & Rich M. ~ Acolyte: Nicole G.

Greeter: Barb M. ~ Usher: Carol B. ~ Set-up: Carol B.~ Clean-up: Connie T.

News & Upcoming Events at Apostles:

Holy Communion has returned to the altar rail with bread and wine. While we still aren’t partaking from the common cup, the wine will be poured into individual glasses from the common cup. Grape juice and gluten-free wafers are available.

Year-to-Date Financial Information:

Offering: $105,412

Expenses: $123,501

In Our Community

Health Resources

Blessed to Be a Blessing

We are collecting empty ink cartridges of all types. There will be a box in the narthex for drop off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays when Joan is in the office.

Please keep in prayer

. . . all communities suffering and mourning due to natural disasters.

. . . all areas of the world living under threat of violence and war.

. . . all communities and peoples that suffer from intolerance, injustice, racism, and violence. We pray that the Holy Spirit brings comfort to those who mourn, strength to those who advocate for change, and peace to those who struggle to make sense of the senseless.

We stand with those communities and organizations, faith-based and secular, that work towards healing, justice, and peace.