Please be sure all staff members are receiving the C2P
and please share relevant information with your volunteer leaders. Click here to sign up! Click here for archived C2P.
The archdiocese has created a five-week small group reflection guide, “Reflect and Renew, Encountering Christ this Lent,” which includes Scripture readings, prayer and reflections.
Click here for English and Spanish versions of the guide, which you can print and fold into a booklet.
Click here for single-page version in English and Spanish.
More Lenten resources, including a full Lent campaign, will be provided in the 1/30 C2P.
HR is reviewing the Salary Threshold changes and will reach out directly if there are questions about your location. In the meantime, please reach out if you have questions about managing your hourly employee(s). Our recent Q&A Zoom meeting on the Salary Threshold was well received. Based on your feedback, we will begin hosting HR Zoom meetings twice a month. Stay tuned for upcoming topics, and please let us know if there are specific topics you’d like us to cover. For more information contact Kathryn Daily at
January 28 to February 4
Join us in celebrating the 72 schools in the Archdiocese of Seattle. We are growing (we have maintained our 6% increase during COVID and are up 1.5% from that!) and “Reaching Higher” serving families in Western Washington. Learn more. Help us celebrate by sharing our message. Click here for social posts.
February 11-12
The bishops of Washington state encourage your participation in the PREPARES Annual Appeal. PREPARES provides pregnancy and parenting support for parents with children up to 5 years old. Read this letter from Mario Villanueva, executive director of the Washington State Catholic Conference. Click here for graphics, blessings and FAQs in English and Spanish.
The State Legislature is now in session. Read the latest WSCC Catholic Advocacy Bulletin to see how you can advance the state bishops’ legislative priorities by signing in electronically for bills or contacting your legislators. Click here.
Read about the new sacraments dashboard within ParishStaq Church Management System (ChMS), where users can manage sacramental preparation and faith formation information as they view engagement insights. Learn more
Through Baptism and confirmation, God provides each of us special gifts or charisms for the good of the Church and the world. Let’s explore these gifts together and discover how we can use them for good. Click here for this week’s Scripture readings, prayers and reflections.
Materials have shipped and you should receive them sometime this week. Digital assets will be available soon.
Northwest Catholic collection
Collection is slated for January 28-29
For parishes celebrating Catholic Schools week, we suggest a February 4–5 collection date. Click here for Mass/bulletin/prayers of faithful announcements in English and Spanish | Click here for digital/social media/website graphics and print materials.
Is your parish receiving a rebate?
We recommend you insert the following acknowledgement and thank you into the financial section of your bulletin or website. Learn more
ACA material order happens in January
The Annual Campaigns office will again be placing the ACA material order. Please take this 2-minute survey to help us fine-tune the quantities.
January 19 | Virtual English: 10am-1pm | Spanish: 9am-12pm
In addition to surveying the changes in the OCIA ritual text, participants will have the opportunity to assess their current practice of ministry and be inspired to take a renewed approach. Sponsored Faith Formation. Learn more in English and Spanish | Click here to register by January 17
February 7 from 6:30-8:00pm | Virtual
Each monthly series covers two ministerial areas in Spanish. Click here for monthly schedule. This program is free and open to all. Register | Learn more | Promotional assets
Agape’s 20th anniversary celebration and fundraiser
March 18 from 6-8:30pm | Isaac Orr Conference Room, Seattle
Gather with the wide Agape Family to celebrate 20 incredible years of Agape Service Project and join in supporting its future as we grow together. Learn more | Purchase tickets
Effective January 1, 2023, Washington state requires new job postings to contain information related to salary and benefits. Please review updated document.
We will be pulling half-yearly reports through Qvinci on January 23. Please ensure all data as of December 31 is completely entered, and make sure your QuickBooks is syncing with Qvinci.
PFS is scheduling another round of new PAA training in late January/early February. If you are a new PAA, are considering hiring one soon, are interested yourself or know someone who might make a good PAA and should take this training, please contact Scott Bader at
Virtus data updates needed
SEP Coordinators need to review the Virtus data for active employees and volunteers at your location. Click here for instructions.
Spring Safety classes sign-up forms due March 31
Spring teaching safety classes are required for all parish children and youth Faith Formation programs. Click here to access lesson plans and other great resources on the SEP website.
Meet and greet for Parish PAAs and SEP coordinators
Invitation for January meet-and-greet sessions with Cathy Wiswell, archdiocesan SEP coordinator, will be sent soon.
Are you looking for a SEP facilitator at your parish? Click here to view a sample ad that you can use in your parish communications.
Celebration of Light
The Fulcrum Foundation’s annual fundraising gala
January 27 at 5:30pm | Sheraton Grand Hotel, Seattle
Join the Fulcrum Foundation for a night of celebration and fundraising in honor of Catholic education! For more information, contact Nicole Gummow at nicole.gummow@fulcrumfoundation | Learn more