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Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Featured News

New Year, New Semester, New Look!

The African Studies Center wishes you a Happy 2023! We extend a warm welcome to students, faculty, staff, and visitors to MSU for the beginning of the spring semester. In celebration of the new year and semester, we are delighted to share our updated newsletter with you! Africa @ MSU  now includes more concise sections, helpful resources, and opportunities to stay updated with all of the happenings at ASC. We hope you enjoy the new changes and we welcome any feedback you may have!

Seminar Series

Eye on Africa
January 19th, 2023
Edjanga Jones Ndjoli
African identity: Beyond the Purpose of Unity
Event Flyer

Register for Eye on Africa
Catch up on the latest episodes on YouTube
Nominate a speaker for Eye on Africa

African Tea Time
January 19th, 2023
African Diaspora
Black Hair and Storytelling as a Form of Social Activism
Event Flyer

Register for African Tea Times
Catch up on the latest episodes on YouTube


Decoloniality Dialogues Workshop #2: Administration & De/Centering
January 19, 2023

We invite administrators, staff, and others engaged in administrative functions within university contexts to join us in considering these questions: Why and what can decolonization efforts be? How can decolonial praxis be enacted within the colonial/izing space of university administration? Within the context of systemic harm and complicity that make up the fabric of colonizing universities, what does it mean for university administrators to see them/our/selves as part of both the problem and the solution? Register for the zoom event.

Missing Mobilizations: Explaining the Invisibility of Anti-Carceral Sexual Violence Organizing in Southern Africa
January 24, 2023

Please join the Consortium for Sexual and Gender Minority Health, along with cosponsors (African Studies Center; Center for Gender in Global Context; Department of Sociology; School of Social Work; and Women*s Student Services), for a lecture that is free and open to the public. 
This link to the event flyer provides more information

AAP African Futures Research Leadership Program
Deadline: January 31, 2023

The Alliance for African Partnership (AAP) is seeking applicants for the fourth cohort of the African Futures Research Leadership Program. This competitive visiting scholar program will target early career women researchers from the AAP consortium to work for one year at Michigan State University (MSU) under the mentorship of faculty members from MSU and their home institution, focusing on building skills in research for impact, writing of scholarly and/or policy publications, disseminating research results and developing grant proposals. Scholars will also participate in a structured academic advancement program while building bridges and lasting connections with MSU contacts and across their cohort.

Multi-Country Research Fellowship, CAORC 
Deadline Extended to February 06, 2023

The CAORC National Endowment for the Humanities Research Fellowship provides the opportunity for scholars to spend significant time in one country with an Overseas Research Center (ORC) as a research base. The fellowship supports advanced research in the humanities or research that embraces a humanistic approach and methods.

Core Faculty Highlights

Michael Boivin
The children of Kahemba and the researchers hoping to save them
Read Article

Upenyu Majee
World Yearbook of Education (Chapter 14: Racial Justice in "South-South" Internationalization of Higher Education)
Yearbook Link

Please send Mike ( any work you would like to promote!

Student Groups & Events

Student Advocacy Group: Kongamano
"The group seeks to foster collaboration among student organizations related to or working in Africa and to also create a space for dialogue and networking among students, staff, faculty, and members of the Greater Lansing community who have interest and experience in Africa."

Want more information on how to get involved?
Contact Dr. Damaris Choti at

Digital Africa @ MSU

Afripodafripod logo
Podcast about African history, culture and politics

African Activist Archive Projectaaap logo
Documents, photographs, artifacts, written and oral memories

African Online Digital Library
aodl logoFree universal access to cultural heritage materials

Africana Collectionmsu library logo
African Studies at the MSU Library

Exploring Africaexploring africa logo
High quality African resources for students and educators

Learn a language!


H-Net Jobs
The Chronicle of Higher Education Jobs
Inside Higher Education Jobs

Have suggestions or a job to highlight?
Email us at

Center Funding Opportunities

Curriculum Development Grants ($3,000 summer stipends): to support faculty interested in developing a new course or seminar related to Africa or revising an extant course or seminar to include at least 25% of Africa content.

Curriculum Enhancement Grants ($1,000): for purchase of Africa related curricular materials, payment of guest speakers.

Conference Travel Grants ($1,000): to support Africanist Faculty for conference expenses.

Special Programming Grants (amount varies): to bring a guest speaker; host a panel discussion; plan a social event etc.

Strategic Partnership Grants (amount varies): to strengthen strategic partnerships with universities and other institutions of higher education and research in Africa. (a 20% matching funds from applicants' deans or department chairpersons is required).

For more information about Center Funding: 
Contact Dr. Awa Sarr at

Global IDEAS: Global Innovations in Development, Engagement, and Scholarship curates external funding opportunities for international research from a comprehensive suite of sources, along with our knowledge of the donor landscape. These opportunities are compiled in one weekly email newsletter, available only to MSU faculty, staff and students.

We are eager to hear your thoughts about the redesigned Africa @ MSU Newsletter! Please consider some ways that we can update future editions to better meet your interests and needs.

Send ideas, comments, questions, etc. to Mike at

Thanks for being a part of the ASC community!

Stay in touch:

How to subscribe:
Please email us at

Our mailing address:
African Studies Center
Michigan State University
International Studies and Programs
427 N. Shaw Lane, Room 100
East Lansing MI 48824-1035

Suggestions for newsletter:
Email us at

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Michigan State University African Studies Center · 427 N Shaw Ln Rm 100 · East Lansing, MI 48824-4402 · USA