
Time to say Goodbye to 2022 and Welcome 2023!

Equine Outreach is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping horses with uncertain futures. We believe that every horse deserves respect, dignity, love, and compassionate care. Some horses become sanctuary or hospice horses who remain in our care, while others are carefully and meticulously fostered or adopted out to new homes.

As this year comes to a close, we look back on our accomplishments in 2022!

  • Number of horses taken in: 5 (of these, 2 have been adopted!)

  • Number of horses adopted: 7

  • Number of horses in foster: 4

Two Newest Arrivals!

Welcome Maisie & Elvis! Just recently arriving at the ranch are these two beautiful seniors. They both came from loving homes but due to various circumstances, they could no longer be cared for. We will be raising money for additional panels to give them larger accommodations to live in. Watch for more updates on Maisie and Elvis!

But all of this does come at a cost.

We are 100% donation-driven and rely on donations, grants, sponsorships, and the community to help us continue our mission. And with rising prices, our expenses increase as well.

  • Hay/Feed/Supplements: $20,000-25,000 depending on price of hay.

  • Regular & Minor Medical Care/Farrier: $20,000-30,000 depending on number of horses.

  • Any additional medical issues that arise, surgeries and recovery treatments are over and above those regular medical expenses.

  • Plus, expenses to maintain, improve and expand our facilities.

As we look forward to what 2023 brings, we are committed to giving the current herd the care they deserve and build our reserves to bring in addition horses when the need arises.

Are you looking for a year end donation?

Your donation, no matter what size, will help the ranch maintain and improve our facility, add and enlarge horse areas, purchase hay and supplements, build our medical fund and above all, give the horses the care, love and lives they deserve.

Donate Now

Thank you for considering Equine Outreach for your last donation of 2022!