"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."
-2 Timothy 1:7

Hello everyone! 

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! We apologize for our delay in sharing about the last few months. They have been an awesome whirlwind!

One note...we are intentionally vague about many areas of our work right now to protect ongoing activities and the people we are serving. Feel free to reach out with more specific questions. We would be happy to chat! 

As you might have known from our last newsletter, we recently spent 5 weeks at the FBR Ranger training camp. Over 200 Rangers were trained and 11 were baptized as new followers of Jesus Christ! 

Our days seemed to fill up quickly with opportunities to minister together and apart. Eirenee’ was able to build relationships through teaching English to children, women, and JSMK students. Ross' main focus was to ministry to the staff and students as a chaplain, explore opportunities to train ethnic chaplains in the future, and continue to encourage and work alongside the medical supply staff.  was able to build relationships through teaching a leadership class and teaching Sunday School and Bible studies at our house. 

We were so thankful to be able to engage and encourage the staff and students in Jesus name through daily devotions, hosting a Bible study at our house, exercising with them everyday, teaching them how to swim, and just being present with them in their daily activities. For example, camp work and carrying loads from the river, joining them for their Field Training Exercises and big swim, etc. The Holy Spirit taught us a lot about the power of just being present - with God, with each other, and with those we were serving. 


(Ross leading Sunday School at our house)
(Eirenee' leading Ranger Devotion)

Honoring Our Fallen Rangers

One of the special elements of the training is a candlelight service for the Rangers who have paid the ultimate price. Some of the people at camp honored friends. Some even honored family and loved ones who have died. All honored those that have come before them. This memorial really puts life into perspective and brings reality to the situation all Rangers might have to face, dying for a free Burma. We were’ blessed with the opportunity to lead a worship night with all Rangers and staff after the service to bring our grief before the Lord to close out the night. 


As we left the training we were overwhelmed with the feeling of gratitude. We don’t deserve to be a part of this work and the Rangers are under no obligation to open their hearts to us or share anything about themselves with us. However, here we are and we have been gifted the opportunity to be part of their lives. God is full of good gifts we don’t deserve, yet he gives them to us anyway. If we could sum up our trip with one feeling, it would have to be gratitude. It is nothing but a privilege to be a part of Rangers' lives even just for a day.  Let’s continue to pray together that they would accept the best gift ever, Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior!

So, what’s next?

We are going on another mission to bring help, hope and love to the people of Burma. We will leave this week and be gone for about 2-months. Our focus will be on serving internally displaced people (IDPs) and others in conflict areas. We will be going to areas where thousands of IDP's have had to flee their homes to live in the jungle with nothing. Our team will conduct kids camps, medical clinics, food distributions, gospel outreaches, and just be present with the people. We will have very limited to no connectivity during this time so please forgive us if you reach out and don't hear anything for a while. 


Prayer Requests

  • Safety, strength, and endurance for our team while we are on mission.   
  • Pray for the IDP's and soldiers we are providing relief for - that their hearts would be soft and that they would come to follow Jesus!
  • That we would have servant hearts and courage to do whatever God calls us to do and go where ever God leads. 
  • That God would use Christians in Burma to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ and His free gift of eternal life!
  • Praise God for providing through you all and other donors to purchase a truck for New Jerusalem Children's Home! They are praising God for your generosity to give and above and beyond what they asked for! 

We are so thankful for your partnership!

How can we be praying for you? 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support as we continue on this journey! Your gracious giving has enabled us to be 90% funded through the end of 2023! If you feel led to support us financially in any way you can see some specific ways by going to our website or clicking the link below. 

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