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Teaching homiletics to the ministers of the nations

“I have no words enough to say thank you so much because I know myself now I step from the place where I was at according to the preparation of sermons now I have new things to offer because of what you have given us. God bless you.”

“I mean, what I have been taught here I have already started implementing, doesn't get any better than that. The way the information was transmitted I'm sure will keep the information in my head for a very long time as well.”

“Hearing from my brothers in Christ was also a big joy and very humbling. I feel that not only has my skill in writing sermons improved, but my love for the Church has been amplified so much more by witnessing my brothers preach Christ. And this is all the teacher's doing. We covered any and all types of sermons that a pastor would have to preach in ministry. I have already implemented the different sermon structures in my preaching!”

The above are quotes from students of Luther Academy’s English language program. The work of this new endeavor done in partnership between the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is having wide ranging impact. It is changing the lives of students as they grow in their understanding of the Christian faith and are prepared and shaped to proclaim the Gospel to many people throughout the world. 

Our student body is similar to the student body of an American seminary in that we have students of various ages and from various walks of life. One thing that is different is that some of our students are clergy from other confessions who have become Lutheran or were trained as Lutheran pastors previously but are seeking further training and education. We are able to provide this training and it has immediate and tangible results in the ministry of our students and in the lives of their parishioners. This makes Luther Academy a resource for new and existing pastors both, which multiplies the impact that can be made in congregations all throughout Europe. 

But it is not just Europe. The students of Luther Academy represent over a dozen countries spread over almost a quarter of the earth. The impact of Luther Academy is already being seen and felt, and this will only continue to grow with further support from the LCMS and the growing partnerships with other confessional Lutheran bodies. This global impact will be strengthened as Luther Academy gains more of an academic foothold and partners and grows in contact and cooperation with other confessional Lutheran institutions as well. 

As a theological educator from the LCMS, my life has changed as I have come into contact with a much broader understanding of the Church than I had before. It is one thing to know that there are Lutherans out there in these other parts of the world and it is another thing entirely to get to interact with them and grow in those bonds of fellowship. And as these new and existing pastors get to know their teachers from the LCMS, it creates bonds that can be leveraged for increased fellowship in years to come. The potential return for the Church of the future by investment now in the work of Luther Academy is incalculable. 

(Written by Rev. Dr. Quintin Cundiff, and appearing at

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Lindsay, Carter, and Quintin enjoying family time at one of the Winter Markets in Rīga.

Bringing 2022 to a close...

Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus! (This is, essentially, Happy Winter Celebration in Latvian.)

Quintin finished up his first semester of teaching at Luther Academy in Rīga. He was immensely successful at it, judging by the student feedback he has received. He absolutely loves this work! In addition to his teaching and administrative work with the Academy, he is gathering the necessary paperwork to go and teach for a month at our sister seminary in Nagercoil, at the southern tip of India.

Lindsay continues in the administrative work of the Academy and continues to enjoy it. She and Quintin took the week after Christmas off in order to relax and spend lots of quality time with Carter.

Carter had his school’s annual Winter Solstice Celebration and Market mid-December. It was absolutely frigid that day, but it was interesting to see the Old Latvian traditions played out, with a Yule log drug around the school by the children and lots of singing and dancing to Latvian music.

Carter was recruited recently for his school’s basketball team – he has grown into (approximately) a 5’6” lanky pre-teen!

Christmas here has been a bit different. Since we walk everywhere (we don’t have a vehicle here), we are often able to savor the quietness of winter. We love the twinkling lights and flickering candles that are everywhere. Candles are very much a part of the culture here since the winter brings only about seven hours of sunlight per day, and that’s only if the skies are clear enough to see much of that light!

We are grateful that Christ is our light, especially in this season of Advent and Christmas. With Him, we never need to have fear of the dark.

Be sure to follow our Facebook page, “The Cundiffs in Latvia”, for even more photos and stories of the Lord’s work in this beautiful country!

Carter's Corner

Sveiki! In December, my friend in the United States celebrated his birthday and I was able to chat with him. Luckily, with FaceTime, it is easy and doesn’t cost anything!

On Christmas Eve, we went to the English service and celebrated afterward with the other LCMS missionaries here.

On Christmas Day, we went to the Latvian service. It was so different to hear the Christmas story in Latvian – it’s a good thing I know the story already!

- Carter (age 11)

Latvian predictions about weather…

Some Latvians hold winter weather predictions passed down through the generations. A few of these beliefs include the following:

  • If it snows at Christmas, the spring will be cold.
  • If, during the day, rays of the sun are clearly visible, there will still be a cold winter with big blizzards.
  • If Christmas is green, Easter will be white.
  • Twelve nights after Christmas determine how the next twelve months will be.
  • If it is a starry Christmas night, then the harvest will be plentiful.
  • If there is a lot of snow around Christmas, Midsummer will be very hot.
  • If there is sleet and that on Christmas day, a witch is getting married. If it snows heavily, a witch has died.
  • If Christmas night is starry, there will be a bounty of berries and mushrooms in the summer.


  • Continued good health
  • The Lord to continue to bring faithful men to Luther Academy
  • The Latvian Lutheran Church, as she continues reaching out to local people


  • Making international connections with pastors
  • Opportunities to share the Gospel with our neighbors 


  • His work in Eurasia and across the globe to bring the good news to all peoples!
  • Our supporters for helping to make this mission possible – we cannot stress this enough!
Prayerfully consider partnering with the LCMS to support the work of Quintin Cundiff and his family. Make checks payable to:
The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
PO Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861


Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034

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