We have Hope For you PMP Pals Logo

You Pals are Amazing!

Like you always do…you gave. And you gave BIG!

Thanks to your generosity, we met our 2022 fundraising BHAG - Big Hairy Audacious Goal. We’re still tallying up the mail-ins, but that year-end giving spree will be closer to $25,000 - THANK YOU, you are AMAZING!

Your support ensures programs like HOPE Zoom and Bare Bottom Bears continue giving back to our community. Looking ahead to our 25th anniversary year, Pals has big plans to connect with you, connect each other, and provide even more information, resources, and physician perspectives. This is our year to build a stronger network that serves over 3,000 patients and caregivers worldwide.

And we will do that together.

Our next big goal is to secure an additional $95,000 in funding in 2023 through individual donations, corproate sponsorships, foundation awards, and grants.

Mike Weber Memorial FOundation logo; MWMF with a flexing bicep "Weber Strong"

And we are on our way! At the end of December, Pals was honored to receive $10,000 from the Mike Weber Sr. Memorial Foundation. A humble shout of thanks to MWMF for their continued belief in our collective desire to stay informed, to help each other, and to live well beyond an appendix cancer diagnosis.

Adele Jasion Elected Board President

In other business, Charmaine Skillman was elected by the Board to serve as the Secretary-Treasurer of Pals. Mark McMahon, also an original board member serving since 2015, will continue as a member of the Board.

At this time of transition, we want to recognize the huge contributions of Chris Piekarski in his leadership role with Pals. Starting in 2015, Chris served as President/Board member when Pals was re-grouping. For the past 8 years, he brought great energy and knowledge to so many aspects of Pals. In 2020, Chris was instrumental is starting HOPE ZOOM during the pandemic. His positive impact was recognized in March 2022 by the Society of Surgical Oncology. This physicians’ association presented Chris the Gabriella Graham Patient Advocacy Award, which is given to an individual or group that has provided support and hope to those facing cancers that are often treated with regional therapies like HIPEC. Thank you, Chris, for all you have done for PMP Pals and this community over the years!

As PMP Pals enters its 25th Anniversary year, we look forward to working together to continue our mission in the appendix cancer/PMP community.

Pals Love by Mail

Fellow Pal Carrie N. from Australia has had a rough go of it this past year. Lots of questions but no answers, dismissive physicians, and accumulating symptoms had her worried and ready to give up.

Then she found HOPE Zoom and things changed. She shared openly and honestly, and felt supported by the group. She brought caregiver and partner Vicky to the call, too. She finally connected to Professor Morris thanks to another Pals’ introduction, and she feels validated. And now she is feeling the love of PMP Pals, thanks to the Get Well+More Cards Program. Pals Love arrived just when she needed it! In her own words:

January 20, 1993… Audrey Hepburn dies of appendiceal cancer.
January 20, 2022… my grapefruit sized tumour and appendix are removed.
January 20, 2023… (drum roll👀)

I receive a large envelope all the way from the USA to my home in the Australian hills. So I’m thinking great! I’m getting info brochures on our cancer and treatments and maybe mylanta or movicol sample packs😳…. Nope! I spent the next hour opening and reading message after message after uplifting message from people I have come to love and rely upon.

Wow. I am without sufficient words. Touched and humbled. Thank you all. Truly. You lift me and help me move in the only acceptable direction… FORWARD!

Last year, 85 Pals wrote over 1200+ Get Well+More Cards to fellow patients and caregivers, lifting them up when they needed support.

Want to be part of Pals’ volunteer corps of letter-writers? Could you benefit from a package yourself? Reach out to us and we will get you connected.

HOPE Zoom Wednesdays 6pmET / Saturdays 11amET

This celebration marks generosity, honoring those who have passed, acknowledging the abundance of life. We have HOPE for you in so many ways and extend these New Year’s Wishes to you.

Pals ask us, “How can I get involved?” Among the many ways, beyond a cash donation, are a few listed below:

  1. Engage your employer’s charitable giving program.

  2. Challenge others to match your donation in a special giving


  3. Donate a valued item for a Give Back Giveaway (like this year’s Juiced E-bike)

  4. Set aside a Pals legacy in your will.

  5. Host a Facebook or Instagram fundraiser online.

  6. Volunteer for a 2023 committee like writing Get Well+More Cards or helping with the 2023 MeetUp.

  7. Compete in a walk/run/other and recruit friends & family to support you through donations to Pals.

  8. Share your connections to foundations and grants on PMP Pals behalf.

  9. Sign your company on as a Corporate Sponsor.

  10. Educate your circle of physicians, friends, and family about appendix cancer.

Got another way? Let us know and we’ll give it a go!

Pals in the Kitchen Cookbook Holiday Edition 2022