
Surprising ways to make a resolution

It’s been deep fun this month to explore on Facebook & LinkedIn the varied meanings of the word “resolve.”


To unseat the assumptions we have about what a New Year’s Resolution has to look like. To help us make them compassionately. To help them “stick.”

The series was inspired by a dialogue in the Mindful Professionals Network, whose January theme is “resolve.”

Try them on.

Ask yourself:

What if this were my New Year’s Resolution?

Click here to read the series on LinkedIn.
Click here to read the series on Facebook.

New Course Starts February:

Mastering Your Money Flow

I am offering a course on mastering money flow RAISING CLARITY style.

Here is what you will learn in the course's three sessions:

  1. To interpret the Divine Curriculum’s money messages to you.

  2. To make peace with the voices inside your head around money.

  3. To become financially fierce by “owning” your income and your expenses–by which I mean taking consciousness and responsibility for the money that flows to and from you.

Sign up this week to be invited to join.