
Hiring for Hydro comes to Portland, OR!

February 22, 2023, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Are you a looking for job opportunities in the crafts and trade profession, including welding, machining, operations, power electronics, and mechanical/electrical disciplines?

Have you taken coursework related to energy, environmental sciences, water resources or engineering?

If you answer yes to either question, you are an ideal candidate to attend.
Register today!
Discover why students participate in the Hiring for Hydro Career Fair!
P.S. Pursuing an engineering degree is not required! :)

Deadlines are coming up fast!

  • Register by 1/27 (This Friday) to attend the Hiring for Hydro Career Fair, receive a complimentary review of your resume, and be included in the resume book provided to all exhibitors.

  • Register by 2/15 to participate in the Hiring for Hydro Career Fair.

Register today!

Hiring for Hydro

Our friends at the Northwest Hydroelectric Association are the exclusive hosting sponsor and join the Hydropower Foundation in welcoming post-secondary students or recent graduates interested in a potential career in hydropower or a related field to participate in the Hiring for Hydro Career Fair alongside the NWHA Annual Conference!

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation is hiring!

We are excited to have the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation as a partner in our workforce development efforts within the hydropower industry. Participate in Hiring for Hydro and learn about the tremendous career opportunities at the Bureau!

Participating Companies
Canyon Hydro
Chelan County PUD
Grant County PUD
JR Merit
Mesa Associates
Northwest Energy
Northwest Hydroelectric Association
RIE Consultants
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Register today!


Contact Bree Mendlin and follow us on your favorite social media platform to stay up to date on current activities and workforce programs.

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