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Rachel Li is the Head of Case Management at HELP for Domestic Workers. This February, she is challenging herself to a half marathon to raise awareness and funds for domestic workers in crisis.

When Rachel interned at HELP during her university years, she encountered a case that deeply affected her. She had accompanied Maria*, a domestic worker who was physically assaulted, to file a complaint at the police station. Instead of responding to the complaint, the police detained the domestic worker overnight as her abuser falsely accused her of theft.

“I felt a deep sense of frustration and injustice. No person should be treated this way,” says Rachel.

HELP provided Maria with case counselling, basic needs and mental health support to enable her to achieve a just and equitable resolution to her troubles.

Maria is among the many migrant working women who are at risk and experience severe labour exploitation.

Now a qualified Barrister, Rachel is passionate about supporting marginalised and disadvantaged communities in Hong Kong. By working at the grassroots level through HELP, Rachel directly assists vulnerable domestic workers facing situations of abuse and exploitation. Every day, Rachel learns about the harsh conditions facing domestic workers who have to deal with these issues in silence. She wants to help them tackle the challenges and the discrimination they face.  

Running to HELP

Like many Hong Kongers, Rachel grew up with a migrant domestic worker - her “Jie Jie.” She loved singing karaoke, trying Filipino food, and spending time with her Jie Jie.

“Domestic work is work, and migrant domestic workers have the same rights as other workers. Yet the contribution of domestic workers in our society is often overlooked. I am proud to support this incredibly strong, vibrant and resilient community of women.” says Rachel.

A safe workplace is every woman’s right. Domestic workers have the right to be free of discrimination, violence and harassment at their workplace. 

We need your support to maximise Rachel’s efforts and raise additional funds.

Support HELP as we strive to ensure every domestic worker gets an equal opportunity, justice, and dignity without discrimination. 



Be recognised! Please get in touch with us at to learn how to host your fundraiser.

Since 1989 HELP for Domestic Workers has empowered migrant domestic workers to gain access to justice and receive fair and equal treatment through:

1. Advice and assistance

2. Awareness and education

3. Empowerment and peer support.

HELP also provides a space for employers to seek advice on domestic workers' rights and entitlements. Employers play a crucial role within the household and community because their affirmation of workers' rights enhances their protection.

Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved. 
HELP Limited. Registered Charity IRD No: 91/16869

Our address:
Room 606, 6/F, 299QRC, Nos. 287-299 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong

Our contact:
Phone: +852 25234020  WhatsApp: +852 5936 3780

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