Respect for Neurodevelopment Network

Thank you for your interest in our network.

We would like to ask you to complete this short survey to formalise/update the membership list for our network. This is particularly important in relation to creating collaborative opportunities across the network and sharing contact details.

Membership is open to everyone interested in neurotechnologies for infants and children with neurodevelopmental conditions. We are excited about the diversity of our network, and our members span a wide range of areas of professional experience and expertise, lived experience, and different stages of career. Members will be able to participate in events/ activities carried out by the network, including webinars, workshops, summer schools, lab visits, and will have access to resources shared.

During the live-time of the EPSRC/ MRC UKRI funded network (2022-2025) there are no fees or obligations attached to membership. However, only investigators based at UK institutions (members and non-members) are eligible to apply for the pump-prime feasibility study funding. Other members will be invited to collaborate on or advise on these projects. We hope you will be able to contribute to one or more of such activities. We expect that we will add further initiatives over the course of the next three years. You can sign up for different groups in the network here or at a later date.  Please see descriptions of these groups on our website.  We will treat your responses below as expressions of interest and fully understand that your ability to commit to any of those may change.

If you do not want to become a member as yet please do complete this form accordingly and you will be added to our mailing list.
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