Building a 21st century infrastructure for monitoring inequality, developing policy, and training a new generation of leaders


Join the Economic Inclusion Project! 

Apply for a two year, full-time postdoctoral fellowship with Stanford Impact Labs and the Economic Inclusion Project.
Ending Poverty in California

What would it take to build a just and inclusive economy in California? Here’s a new roadmap that sets out to answer that question.

David B. Grusky, Sara Kimberlin, Alessandra Rister Portinari Maranca, Charles Varner

News and Opportunities

Grant Program for Early Career Faculty

The National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families invites applications for its 2023 grant program for early career faculty at Hispanic Serving Institutions or Emerging Hispanic Serving Institutions.

Applications are due on February 10, 2023, at 5pm PST.

The Pilot Grants Program
The 2023 Spectrum Population Health Sciences Pilot Grants Program offers grants for Stanford faculty and early career individuals.

The Request for Proposals is due on Feb. 28, 2023

Dissertation Award On Poverty And Economic Mobility  

The Institute for Research on Poverty invites dissertators to apply to its poverty and economic mobility program. The awards will support dissertators in groups that are underrepresented in academia.

Applications are due on January 25, 2023

Summer Research Positions at the Center on Poverty and Inequality

The CPI seeks highly motivated undergraduate research fellows for a full-time summer position with one of our research teams. Candidates may send a resume and cover letter, including discussion of learning objectives and research skills, to by January 31, 2023.

Featured Research

A selection of poverty and inequality papers recently released by CPI affiliates

The Impact of Privatization: Evidence from the Hospital Sector
Mark Duggan, Atul Gupta, Emilie Jackson, Zachary S. Templeton – NBER

Shared and Crowded Housing the Bay Area: Where Gentrification and the Housing Crisis Meet COVID-19
Tianyuan Huang, Timothy Dai, Zhecheng Wang, Hesu Yoon, Hao Sheng, Andrew Y. Ng, Ram Rajagopal, Jackelyn Hwang – arXiv

What Caused Racial Disparities in Particulate Exposure to Fail?  New Evidence from the Clean Air Act and Satellite-Based Measures of Air Quality
Janet Currie, John Voorheis, Reed Walker - American Economic Review

Multigenerational Impacts of Childhood Access to the Safety Net: Early Life Exposure to Medicaid and the Next Generation's Health
Chloe N. East, Sarah Miller, Marianne Page, Laura R. Wherry - American Economic Review


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A research center in the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences at Stanford University, the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality is partly supported by the Ballmer Group, the Blue Shield of California Foundation, the Elfenworks Foundation, the Koret Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Russell Sage Foundation, Stanford Impact Labs, and WorkRise.

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