

   20 January, 2023

今週も、世界のサステイナブルへのゲートウェイ「N Letter」をお届けします。
N Letter is your weekly gateway to worldwide sustainability headlines.
本週的N Letter, 告訴你世界上現在最受注目的永續課題頭條。

N Letter #20
The new faces of climate change activists 


Reliance on solar and wind energy may cause electricity shortage in the near future

As European countries shift from fossil fuel-based power generation to sustainable energy such as solar and wind, there is a high possibility that electricity shortages may occur after 2030. Caused by the high reliance on the weather, it is uncertaint as to when and to what extent electricity can be supplied to meet demand. Stating that although the outlook is good until 2025, the Dutch electricity company TenneT points out the importance of gaining flexibility in electricity demand, the development of storage batteries, and the activation of flexible generation capacity.



Source : Reliance on sustainable energy may cause electricity supply problems


前代未聞の暖冬が続く欧州では、雪不足のスキー場がなんとかして観光客を呼びこもうと必死だ。夏場の楽しみとされていた乗馬やハイキングコースを整えたり、リフトをマウンテンバイク用に転換したりと試行錯誤が続くが、採算を取るのは難しく、高度1500m 以上の地域でも閉鎖が続く。人工雪を撒き続けるためには膨大な量の水が必要となり、最終コストは雪があった頃の80%以上との計算も。こうした状況が果たしてサステイナブルなのか、観光客も違和感を持ち始めている。

Warm winter blues, how sustainable can ski slopes become?

As an unprecedentedly warm winter continues in Europe, ski resorts are desperately trying to attract tourists despite the lack of snow. Adding horseback riding and hiking trails, which used to be a summer leisure, and converting ski lifts to lifts for mountain bikes are some of the new attractions. However, making it profitable is not easy and even resorts above 1500m altitude are forced to close. An enormous amount of water is needed in spreading artificial snow, and the final cost is estimated to be 80% or more of what it would have cost when there was snow. Tourists are beginning to wonder if these conditions are really sustainable.



Source : Record warm winter in parts of Europe forces closure of ski slopes 

昨年11月のCOP27以来、新世代の環境活動家たちが続々と登場している。たとえば、イラン系アメリカ人のソフィア・キアンニ (21歳) は、国連気候変動グループの最年少顧問。気候変動に関する科学的文書の多くが英語のみであることが「言語のバリアになっている」として立ち上げたNPO: Climate Cardinalsは、世界中から賛同する8000人以上の学生の力で、さまざまな文書の翻訳を100以上の言語で可能にし、英語圏以外での気候変動運動を後押ししている。ユニークな観点を持った若者たちに注目が集まっている。

Who is Sophia Kianni? The new faces of climate change activists
Since last November’s COP27, a new generation of environmental activists has emerged. For example, Iranian-American Sofia Kianni (21), is the UN’s youngest youth climate adviser. Aiming to tear down "language barriers” in the climate change world, she founded the non-profit organisation Climate Cardinals. With the help of more than 8,000 students worldwide, they are making translations of various documents on climate change available in more than 100 languages, helping the climate change movement in the non-English-speaking world. These new faces with unique perspectives are starting to make an impact.

誰是Sophia Kianni?氣候變動行動者之新面孔
去年11月的COP27(第27屆聯合國氣候變遷大會)以來,出現了許多新的環境議題行動者。例如27歲的伊朗裔的美國人Sophia Kinanni就是聯合國史上最年輕的氣候變動組的顧問。Kianni為了打破目前為止多數氣候變動的資料都是以英語撰寫造成的語言障礙,創立了名為Climate Cardicals的NPO組織,集合了世界上8000多位學生的力量把資料翻譯為100種以上的不同語言,讓非英語國家也能跟上腳步。年輕組群的獨特觀點將會在永續界裡成為世界注目的焦點

Source : The children of the revolution


「世界の人口のうち、60%は35歳以下。若者は最大のステークホルダーであり、私たちが政策立案に協力しなければ、状況は変わらない」。そう語るのは、新世代環境アクティビストのひとり、パキスタン人のアイシャ・サッディカ (23歳)。彼らが描くサステイナブルな未来に向かって、私たちも前進していきたいものです。


This week's N Letter covered “Reliance on solar and wind energy may cause electricity shortage in the near future”, “Warm winter blues, how sustainable can ski slopes become?” “Who is Sophia Kianni? The new faces of climate change activists”.

“60% of the world's population is under the age of 35. Young people are the biggest stakeholder, and things will only change if we are helping to write policies," says Ayisha Siddiqa (23), a  young and prominent climate activist from Pakistan. We hope to move forward toward the sustainable future they envision.

Thank you once again for reading our N Letter. We wish you all a great weekend.



出身於巴基斯坦的知名的氣候行動者Ayisha Siddiqa年僅23歲,他曾經說過:「世界上35歲以下的人口佔了60%,這個族群是世界上最大的利益相關者,如果我們不影響政策,事情不可能有改變」。不論年齡,每個人對於這個世界都有一份責任。



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