
Sunday, January 22

Holy Eucharist, 8:30 a.m., Church
Formation for All Ages, 9:45 a.m. (Adult Forum in the Lobby)
Choral Holy Eucharist, 11:00 a.m., Church and Livestream
Coffee Hour, 12:15 p.m., Lobby
Parish House Tour, 12:30 p.m., meet in the Chapel
Choral Evensong, 5:00 p.m., Church

Parish House Tour. This Sunday, members of the Congregational Engagement Team will lead us in a tour of the Parish House. If you’ve ever felt lost trying to find the right room or wondered where “that” stairwell leads, come join us! We will tour all four levels learning both the history of the building and what various spaces are used for today. Grab some coffee and come meet us in the Chapel. The tour will start at 12:30 p.m.

Choral Evensong returns. The St. Peter’s Choir is in residence for Choral Evensong at 5:00 p.m. this Sunday. This contemplative service of Bible readings, hymns, and canticles is the perfect way to end the weekend and begin a new week. This summer the St. Peter’s Choir will be traveling to Ely Cathedral in England for a week-long choral residency.

Learn about this week’s and coming weeks’ activities at St. Peter’s. If you want more detailed information.

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Treading on Sacred Ground—Not the Promised Land but the Promised Pilgrimage

The famous Irish theologian, Bono, said that “it’s more likely that church is not a place but a practice… There is no promised land. There is only the promised pilgrimage.” With much thought, prayer, discussion, and awe, Joanne Jenkins and I stepped out in faith to travel alongside others from Saint Peter’s in a pilgrimage. A pilgrimage with a goal to transform what we know, convert our hearts, and guide our hands to what might, could, or can be when we look at our long and deep history of systemic racism.

The participants, pilgrims on this journey, examine through reading, videos, discussion, worship, and prayer the price paid for our country’s history. This is not about placing blame or shame, rather it is to see and learn our burdensome history. The foundational events and decisions continue to have a cost that all of us share. Sacred Ground shows us how to say together that, as Christians, we cannot stand aside in silence, for silence is assent. Are you willing to trust in a journey, a pilgrimage, that will take you to new places, understandings, relationships, and, most importantly, reconciliation.

The eleven sessions (customarily bi-weekly) are scheduled on Sundays after the 11:00 a.m. service. Joanne Jenkins brings her gifts and experiences as a counselor, community organizer, and person of deep faith. I bring a commitment to justice’s redemption that is at the heart of the Gospel. The next offering of Sacred Ground starts on Sunday, March 19; and a third offering will start in September 2023.

If you have questions, are interested, then please contact me at or 704-607-5025.

Fr. Murdock Smith, Affiliated Clergy at St. Peter’s