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Managing your body weight

Having a healthy body weight is linked to lower risk of many types of cancer, fewer or less severe side effects and symptoms, and in some cases better survival after diagnosis. Body weight is also an important body terrain factor—a condition that influences whether your body is more supportive or less supportive of cancer.

Your body weight is more complex than calories in and calories out. Research shows that when you eat may be almost as important as what you eat, for example. To make lasting changes, you may need to identify and address what is contributing to your situation, including medical imbalances or conditions.

In our new Body Weight handbook, we give you some general ideas on a basic health-supportive approach to managing weight, whether you need to gain or lose weight. We also link you to resources for getting started and staying on track with your weight and your health in general.

Read more about body weight


January 31st, 10-11:30 PST: Your Dance with Cancer: A Conversation with Metastatic Breast Cancer Thriver Lindsay McDonell

Join Host Michael Lerner in conversation with cancer coach Lindsay McDonell about her journey with cancer, her coaching work, and her work with the Smith Center for Healing and the Arts in Washington, DC.

Lindsay is a speaker, cancer coach, and author. She is an eight-year thriver with metastatic breast cancer and chronic myeloid leukemia. Lindsay is Project LEAD certified with the National Breast Cancer Coalition, a certified Integrative Oncology Navigator with the Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, a You Can Thrive coach, and a CancerChoices guide.  
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February 24th, 10-11:30 PST: Easing Cancer Pain and Suffering

Join Thomas Smith, MD, with host Michael Lerner for a conversation about easing cancer pain and suffering. Uncontrolled pain creates unnecessary suffering, but when pain is controlled, quality of life improves dramatically. Compassionate, expert help is available for people with cancer experiencing pain.

Dr. Smith is a professor of oncology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and director of Palliative Medicine for Johns Hopkins Medicine. 
Register for this webinar

Tai chi or qigong—therapies with many benefits

Although they involve movement, tai chi and qigong (pronounced “chee-gung”) are more than simply exercise. They are forms of mind-body movement and meditation involving slow, graceful sets of body movements and controlled breathing to cultivate the qi or chi—“the life energy that flows through the body’s energy pathways.”

Better body terrain factors such as better immune function, lower blood sugar or stress hormones, plus less fatigue, better strength and physical function—all these are outcomes among people practicing tai chi or qigong. These low-impact practices are available for most people with cancer and can be done at home. Some qigong sequences can be practiced while sitting or lying down.
Learn more about tai chi or qigong
Tai chi and qigong are among more than 55 complementary cancer therapies reviewed on the CancerChoices website, with 34 fully reviewed and rated.
Explore our reviews of complementary therapies

New website content

In addition to our new Body Weight handbook highlighted above, you can find other new content on the CancerChoices site.

7 Healing Practices: Being Active in Your Cancer Treatment and Outcomes

Did you know that being active in your wellness by building healthy practices and habits can improve your outcomes with conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, surgery, and immunotherapy? Learn more


When the Cancer Comes Roaring Back

Cancer coach, author, and CancerChoices volunteer guide Lindsay McDonell shares how to deal with a potential recurrence after a period of kind-of-sort-of stability. Read more ›

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