
The Foundation

Do you know which books comprise the Spiritist Codification? The Spirits' Book, The Mediums' Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell and Genesis. These five works are considered the basis of the Spiritist Doctrine and must be constantly studied by anyone who wants to know Spiritism.

If you are interested, we have some copies for sale and others for loan in our Emmanuel Library. Just ask our receptionists.

Studying with Emmanuel

Our catalog includes many copies authored by the Spirit Emmanuel, through Chico Xavier. The works are divided between historical novels and the Living Spring collection, which brings comments from the spiritual friend related to texts from the Gospel. For those who want to know more about the story of the apostle Paul’s transformation, the book Paul and Stephen is a must-read and the first in the novel series. To find out about the other publications by Emmanuel that are available, ask our library team.

The Formation of Young Spiritist Readers

It is normal to see an adult immersed in reading spiritist works; however, when we talk about children and teenagers, an incentive is always welcome. In our Emmanuel Library, there are some books for sale that are written in Portuguese, English and Spanish. To purchase it, just inquire at our reception. We also have a collection of Spiritist Education for Children and Youth available for loan. If you are interested, look for an child and youth spiritist educator in our house.