The audio documentary, which was written and directed by Alex Lockwood, is accompanied by twenty original interviews, archival recordings, and re-enactments. It asks key questions: Did the commitment to animal welfare sideline or enable the argument for animal rights? How much has the animal movement actually achieved for animals? Does legislation drive change or react to it? And what lessons can be learned for the movement going forward? The audio documentary is a component of chart2050, an effort to engage communities in thinking about what they would like to see accomplished for animals by the year 2050. For more information, click here.
CAF Welcomes Mariana Arellano Corbello and Carol Kline to the Board
Mariana is currently Corporate Campaigns Director at the Humane League Mexico. She holds a master’s degree in animal studies from New York University, and an undergraduate degree in linguistics from Universidad de Claustro de Sor Juana in Mexico. She has been a freelance translator for more than twelve years. Carol is Hospitality & Tourism Management Program Director, and Professor in the Department of Management at Appalachian State University, North Carolina. She has a Ph.D. in Tourism Planning & Policy and a MS in Parks, Recreation, & Tourism Management, both from North Carolina State University. She is the founder of Fanimal, which aims to foster community, facilitate discovery, and accelerate career building for people who love animals.
Harvard Scholar Rebecca Shen Talks about Her Residency at VINE Sanctuary
In 2022, CAF gave a grant to VINE Sanctuary in Vermont to enable a scholar to set up residence at VINE over the summer and conduct research. VINE chose landscape architect Rebecca Shen. On Sunday January 29, Rebecca will present a talk entitled "Tending Sanctuary: Multispecies Entanglements at VINE Sanctuary." Her work includes maps, drawings, photos, and reflections. You can read an interview CAF conducted with Rebecca here. VINE and its co-founder pattrice jones were recently featured in the New York Times in a piece discussing cockfighting.
Please consider contributing to the Culture & Animals Foundation to help us enable other artists, scholars, and advocates to raise awareness about animal rights.