
Don’t love emails? We understand.
But here’s what WFU should know this week.

Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023

In this issue:

  • A spring semester welcome message from President Wente
  • Having access to a course in Canvas does not always equal registration
  • Drop/add information for undergraduate students
  • Gold-medal-winning soccer player Briana Scurry to speak at MLK event on Jan. 16
  • Secrest Artists Series: Emanuel Ax, piano - Thursday, Jan. 19, 7:30 p.m. in Wait Chapel
  • Stronger together
  • Dr. Denisha Champion appointed Director of University Counseling Center
    • Dr. Shea’s welcome back message to students
    • ConsentCon 2023 email to students

A spring semester welcome message from President Wente

“With the first day of classes, there will be new projects, new assignments and reading lists, and perhaps new challenges — but also new opportunities to learn from each other, to gain and discover new knowledge, to make new friends, and to collaborate in building our campus community.” Read Dr. Wente’s spring semester welcome message.

Having access to a course in Canvas does not always equal registration

Undergraduate students: If a professor adds you to their Canvas site before you have officially registered for their course, take caution. Canvas is not an official record of enrollment. Make sure that every class you think you are taking is showing on your Student Schedule in the Registration Portal and/or on your Academic Transcript in WIN.

Drop/add information for undergraduates

Friday, Jan. 13 is the last day to add first part-of-term courses. Undergraduate students will continue to be able to register for any open seats or off of the waitlist through Monday, Jan. 16. Waitlists will be purged and POI (permission of instructor) only registration will begin on Tuesday, Jan. 17. Note that faculty members will not be sent POI numbers until Tuesday, Jan. 17.

Gold-medal-winning soccer player Briana Scurry to speak at MLK event on Jan. 16

Please join us for the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Keynote Address on Jan. 16 at 7 p.m. in Wait Chapel. This year's featured speaker is Briana Scurry, two-time Olympic Gold Medalist, National Soccer Hall of Famer and best-selling author. In June 2022, Scurry published her memoir, My Greatest Save: The Brave, Barrier-Breaking Journey of a World Champion Goalkeeper. And in July 2022, Paramount Plus released the documentary “The Only,” which elevates Scurry’s experiences as a talented, tenacious, and barrier-defying goalkeeper.

Secrest Artists Series: Emanuel Ax, piano - Thursday, Jan. 19, 7:30 p.m. in Wait Chapel

World-renowned pianist Emanuel Ax performs in recital and with major symphony orchestras around the world. He has recorded more than 20 discs for RCA records and has been an exclusive Sony Classical recording artist since 1987. He was the winner of the first Artur Rubinstein International Piano Competition in 1974, the Michaels Award of Young Concert Artists in 1975, and the Avery Fisher Prize in 1979. Click here to reserve seats using your WFU ID.

Stronger together

When it comes to student care and wellbeing at Wake Forest, we all have a part to play. That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of the We are Wake initiative, a comprehensive, campus-wide initiative designed to elevate the consciousness of care at Wake Forest. We are Wake will be made possible thanks to a generous gift and will address subjects such as when and where to go for help, how to be an advocate for wellbeing and most importantly, how to care for ourselves and others. The goal of We are Wake is not only to empower us to deal with crises, but to work together to understand and apply preventative measures that can help us navigate and even avoid them. Please join us for the We are Wake Kick-off and Resource Fair on Tuesday, Jan. 24 from 2-5 p.m in the Green Room, Reynolda Hall. All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to attend this drop-in event. We are excited about the ways this new initiative will assist us in caring for students and cultivating a campus where all students matter, belong, and thrive.

Dr. Denisha Champion appointed Director of University Counseling Center

The Division of Campus Life is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Denisha Champion as its new University Counseling Center director effective Feb. 1, 2023. As Director of the UCC, Denisha will continue her work co-leading the We are Wake mental health initiative, which will make its debut with students this semester. This initiative is designed to expand capacity related to mental health in order to increase our consciousness of care on campus.

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It):

  • Dr. Shea’s welcome back message to students - Dr. Shea sent students a message reflecting on her first year at the university and sharing her Top 10 Lessons from the Forest. Read it here.
  • Reminder: call for ConsentCon programs - Wake Forest will hold ConsentCon, a conference dedicated to exploring the meaning and operationalization of consent on college campuses, on Feb. 17, 2023. The University is requesting proposals for workshops, panel discussions and speakers. If you are interested in presenting on a topic and sharing your perspective, please complete the proposal form here. The deadline for submission is Jan. 13, 2023.

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The Office of Communications and External Relations

1834 Wake Forest Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27109

