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St Patrick's 
Upcoming Worship Service

In Person & Zoom

Join us this Sunday for Holy Eucharist at 10:00
January 15, 2023

Father Ed will be celebrating with us this Sunday!
If you are unable to join in person, click here for the Zoom invite.

Click here to download the service bulletin


Our Annual Meeting is scheduled January 29th following the Sunday service in Stevenson Hall. Everyone is welcome!

Contact Information:

The Rev. Canon Mary Goshert, Priest In Charge
Phone: 707-747-5653

The Very Rev. Ed, Assisting Priest In Charge
Phone/text: 707-292-8033
Our Happenings at St Patrick's Church!

January 15-   Holy Eucharist at 10:00 a.m.

January 16-   Art & Exploring Our Own Creative Expression Class at 10:00 a.m.

January 17-   Redwood Empire Food Bank Pop-Up, front church parking lot at 5:00 p.m.
January 18-  
*Midweek Worship and Bible Study, 10:00 a.m. 
                       *Al Anon Meeting- 7:30 p.m.
                       *AA Meeting- 7:30 p.m.

January 19-   Choir Rehearsal at 7:00 p.m.

Please click on the link below for upcoming calendar events!

Ministries of the parish that we cannot directly accomplish, except by our hospitable welcome to these fellowships and healing work include the following:  

                      * AA Group, weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30PM, meets in 
                         the Parish Hall.
                     * Al Anon Group weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30PM, 
                        meets in the Common Room.
                     * PEO, once a month on the first Thursday at 10AM and 
                        sometimes on the first Saturday at 8:45AM, meets in the 
                        Parish Hall.

Our Gatherings on Zoom!

St Patrick's Weekly Calendar

Sundays:  Holy Eucharist  
Join us in person for Sunday Eucharist! 10 a.m. 
Also available online by Zoom. Click here for the invite.

Tuesdays:  Morning Coffee Hour  
Let's meet over coffee! 10:00 a.m. Contact Rich Randolph for your Zoom Invitation.
Rich Randolph:

Thursdays:  Compline  
Let's share Compline on ZOOM! 4:00 p.m. Hosted by Minerva Haddad. Contact Minerva for your Zoom invite.
Minerva Haddad:

Fridays: The Men's Bible Study:
Grow in your faith & walk with God! 8:30 a.m.
Send a note to Rich Randolph and he will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation.
Rich Randolph:

Choral Evensong with St. Paul's

A Message from the Planned Giving Ministry

A common New Year's tradition is to make resolutions as to how to live better in the coming year. It is typically a time to "get one's affairs in order" in preparation for tax season and generally to start the new year out with a sense of fiscal accomplishment.
Perhaps one of those tasks includes taking another look at one's will, trust, or estate plan. General fiscal record maintenance advice includes revisiting such documents when a "life event" occurs, such as a birth, marriage, or death, or every five years. This is done to update or make any changes deemed necessary as things change over the years, including bequests.
In your planning for your family, this is a time to revisit your bequests and hopefully a gift to your parish is part of your plan. It is in our bequests that we honor what is close to our hearts and what we value.

Wishing all of our parish family, a healthy and happy New Year.
 The Planned Giving Ministry: Stephanie Chapralis McCaffrey, Chair, Laurie Boone-Hogen, and Ann and Alec Peters.

Nomadic Shelter Crew

The St Patrick's Church monthly Nomadic Shelter dinner on January 8, 2023. 
Plus Margaret Marshat and Leslie Clark, not pictured.  

Thank you so much to Betsy Randolph and her crew for hosting a successful Nomadic Shelter on January 8th!
Shown in the photo above (back row):  Wendy Wood, Mother Karen, Shona Burns, Karl Mutch, Rich Randolph, (front row):  Betsy Randolph and Eleanor Albon. We thank you all so much for your services for this important ministry!

Art Class with Kate Rogers


The St. Patrick's Education Ministry kicked off the new year with its first class, "Art and Exploring Our Own Creative Expression", facilitated by Kate Rogers.



Participants braved the wet roads to gather in the Vestry Room in the Administration Building, a change in venue due to having no heat in the Common Room. Many thanks to Fr. Ed, who was first on the scene and set up, and turned on the most welcome heat.
Kate initiated the group into an exploration of a creating our own "Mandelas". A Mandela, which is Sanskrit for “circle” or “discoid object,” is a symbolic geometric design in Hindu and Buddhist cultures. Mandalas are believed to represent different aspects of the universe and are used as instruments of meditation and symbols of prayer most notably in China, Japan, and Tibet.
Kate provided a wide variety of artist pencils, pastels, and paints, in addition to paper and a template, for participants to discover, create, and play, and let the creative part of our brain engage.
Kate is an Art Therapist and an artist.  As mentioned in the previous Enews, she uses the printing press at the Sonoma Valley Community Center to begin her process of making collages. Kate has seen the process of art making create growth and positive change in her clients  and relies on it for her own self-care.  She lives in Sonoma with her husband and golden doodle.  
The next class on Monday, January 16th. The third and final class will be Monday, January 23rdTo sign up, contact Bobbiejo at or call 707-833-4228, ext 1. 
For questions, contact Laurie Boone Hogen at
 Classes are free with a $5.00 donation to cover materials


Sanctuary Lamp

The sanctuary lamp, also called a chancel lamp, is placed before the tabernacle or aumbry in Roman Catholic, Old Catholic, and Anglican, (Episcopal) churches as a sign that the Blessed Sacrament is reserved or stored.

 St. Patrick’s Church has a Sanctuary Lamp with a candle burning, by the aumbry (or Tabernacle) near the altar, donated by the late Evie Borger.  In many Episcopal churches, parishioners are encouraged to make a modest donation toward the purchase of candles by burning the lamp in memory of loved ones, or in thanksgiving for blessings received; i.e., birthdays, anniversaries, births, safe travel, etc. It is suggested that a donation of $5.00 be made to the Altar Guild.

 If you wish to have the candle burned in commemoration of any event, please contact the parish office, and it will be listed in the bulletin denoting that “The Sanctuary Lamp burns this week to the Glory of God and in loving memory of N., or in Thanksgiving for___by N.


Choir Rehearsal Moves to Thursdays
Beginning THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th, choir rehearsals move to THURSDAY evenings from 7:00-8:30. 

The Rev. Bruce Bramlette Presents:
A Historical Exploration of the First Two Centuries after
Jesus and Before Christianity
The Adult Education Ministry of St Patrick's Church is happy to present The Rev. Bruce Bramlette once again!

Join religious studies scholar and interfaith facilitator, The Rev. Bruce Bramlett, in this fascinating 5-week course titled The Jesus Movement in the first two centuries before the Church.
This five week class will explore historically the setting, character, and circumstances of the development of the earliest Jesus movement from its origins in Judea to its growth amid the vast diversity and pluralism of the Roman Empire in the first two centuries. We will follow a new ten-year, study from the Westar Institute of this history, After Jesus Before Christianity, to guide our conversations. We will look closely at the nature of Roman society, religion, and political environment to enrich our understandings of those earliest Jesus communities. The course should greatly expand and challenge many of our long-held assumptions about this important era and provide insights into how the Jesus movement came to become the “Christian Church” in the third and fourth centuries. The course will be a “hybrid” model with in-person sessions and Zoom opportunities.  
This course will be held on Tuesdays from 11:00 -1:00 of the following dates: January 24, 31, February 7, 14, 21 in Stevenson Hall at St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church, 9000 Sonoma Highway in Kenwood, California. The class is free but a $5.00 donation helps off-set expenses. Please R.S.V.P. to Bobbiejo at or call 707- 833-4228, ext. 1. Rev. Bramlett’s biography is available upon request. 

RSVP by email- Sign up with Bobbiejo today!

The Rev. Bruce Bramlette

Midweek Worship and Study
In Person at St Patrick's Church

Midweek Worship and Study renews at St. Patrick's  

Holy Communion including the sacrament of Anointing for Healing will be offered at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary. Bible study follows in the Common room. In our Bible study, we shall be working on the lessons to be read in the next Sunday’s worship. All are welcome – and you never know: you just may find your words of wisdom from that discussion showing up in next Sunday’s sermon! We look forward to seeing you there.


Please Support Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church Ministry

Please remember that if you choose to mail your gift, our mailing address is P.O. Box 247, Kenwood CA 95452.

Thank you!!!


If you choose to mail in your gift, please consider to send checks only. This is for your security.





Contact Information:

The Rev. Canon Mary Goshert, Priest In Charge
Phone: 707-747-5653

The Very Rev. Ed, Assisting Priest In Charge
Phone/text: 707-292-8033
9000 Sonoma Highway
PO Box 247
Kenwood, CA 95452
2023  St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, All rights reserved.

Our Mailing Address: 

PO Box 247, Kenwood, CA 95452

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