Register Now For Our 15th Annual Texas Autism Walk!
We are excited to announce AST's 15th Annual Texas Autism Walk happening Sunday, April 23rd at the amazing Dreamland in Dripping Springs! This year's event will be more fun than ever with an interactive Resource Fair, family friendly activities, and live music!

Be part of supporting the Texas Autism community! 
Register now to receive the early bird discount! When you use the Promotional Code EARLYBIRD23 it's just $20 register and only $8 per additional family member up to 4 family members, which includes access to the event, all activities, and an event tee! If your business or organization would like to help support this event, you can Sponsor the event or create a company team!

Register and Save Now with Early Bird Pricing!
Accept the 44 Mile Challenge!
Keep those New Year's resolutions! Whether you walk, bike, or run, take part in our 44 Mile Challenge in the weeks leading up to the event to recognize the 1 in 44 children diagnosed with Autism by walking, running, or biking 44 miles. Track your own miles and we'll check in the week before the event! If you’re in the Austin-area, join us for the final mile at Dreamland! Track even more miles on your favorite distance tracking app and you might win the “Most Miles” Award! 

When you fundraise, most importantly, you're helping to provide support for Autistic children and adults across Texas. As an added bonus, you can get some great swag! Register, share your walk or team page, and fundraise for AST and earn the items below!
The Connection Is You! See you there! 
Have questions about the event? Email us at
Click Here to Visit Event Page!

Autism Society of Texas• 300 E.Highland Mall Blvd., #205, Austin, TX 78752