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Expressway News

February 2023

2022 Annual Report

We’re pleased to share with you our 2022 Annual Report & Financial Statements which provides a look back at the past year’s accomplishments. And last year – our 20th anniversary as an agency – we succeeded in making great strides in mobility and for our community.

In 2022, we continued to make strong and steady progress on construction of the 183A Phase III Project. This extension of the 183A Toll aims to provide a safe and time-saving travel option for Williamson County, in addition to the project's non-tolled improvements.
In January, the Mobility Authority held a virtual ground breaking on the 183 North Mobility Project which intends to improve mobility, reduce congestion, and enable more reliable travel times for commuters, public transit, and emergency responders.
Our partnership with Travis County continued as we work toward delivery of eight safety improvement projects, including the reconstruction of Elroy Road completed early last year.
We move forward in 2023 committed to helping implement a comprehensive system of infrastructure designed to keep Central Texans connected throughout the region. We are grateful for the partnerships and efforts of our community who helped us realize these achievements.

View the 2022 Annual Report

183 North: A Year in Review


Construction of the 183 North Mobility Project has been moving forward in earnest since the official groundbreaking one year ago.

Improvements coming as a part of the project include increased mobility with both tolled and non-tolled lane additions on US 183 between SH 45N and MoPac, easier connections between US 183 and MoPac, extensive pedestrian improvements along the corridor adding or rehabilitating approximately 11 miles of newly ADA-compliant sidewalks, much-needed connections to ensure a network of continuous bike lanes, aesthetic enhancements and technological traffic monitoring upgrades to the area. 

See last year's progress, take our survey and register for our virtual meeting to learn what's ahead in 2023 here:

Barton Skyway Ramp Relief Project

Construction on the Barton Skyway Ramp Relief Project began this week. The Project will add an auxiliary lane and extend ramp merge areas on southbound MoPac between Bee Caves Road and Loop 360. Current backups caused by the Barton Skyway and Bee Caves Road ramps result in congestion north towards the Winsted Lane and Enfield Road ramps and beyond. By providing additional space for travelers to make their movements, travelers on MoPac are expected to remain in motion, reducing the bottleneck.

Over the course of construction, travelers can expect weeks long ramp closures as well as occasional lane closures on southbound MoPac. To mitigate traffic impacts, lane closures on MoPac are planned for off-peak hours, from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. While not currently anticipated, weekend work may occur as needed. Construction is expected to be complete in early 2024.

To stay updated on project progress and impacts, sign up for our project newsletter at and follow us on Twitter @RMATIMCenter.

New Payment Option

The QR Code platform also allows you to enroll in text and email reminders, so you can be notified when you have a Mobility Authority bill, and never pay a late fee again*.

*SMS messaging will remind you that a new bill has been generated. If you do not pay by the listed due date, late fees still apply.

Ridgepoint Customer Service Center

Our newest in-person payment location is now open at 2420 Ridgepoint Drive. Customer service representatives for the Mobility Authority are co-located at the existing TxTag Ridgepoint Customer Service Center. The co-location of the two agencies allows a second location for customers to resolve TxTag and Mobility Authority toll payments and inquiries conveniently in one location.

If you prefer face-to-face interaction or paying in cash, visit us at our new Ridgepoint location or at any of the other participating store locations.
Other Questions or Concerns about your Toll Bill?
Contact us at 833-762-8655 or visit our
website. We're here to help!
Copyright © 2023 Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, All rights reserved.

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