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Happy Black History Month!

We would like to wish the African American community and general BIPOC community a very happy Black History Month.

Whether you are an author, a painter, a singer, a dancer, or any other kind of artist, the world needs the creations of the BIPOC community. African American stories need to be told, and people outside of the communities need to hear those stories.

The world is a fascinating place because we don't all share the same stories and experiences. And as painful, tragic, terrible, and heartbreaking as those stories may be, they exist. They need to be told and they need to be heard. Sweeping them under the rug and pretending they don't exist for the sake of surface level comfort helps no one. In many ways, it does more harm than good.

We at Tea With Coffee Media are dedicated to lifting and raising the voices of all creators, but especially the voices of the overlooked and minority communities. As such, we are here to support the BIPOC community in any way we can.

You will always have our support.

We are very happy to be pairing with Write Hive for our first anthology.

"Living with Demons" will be a dark fantasy anthology meant to give hope to those struggling with mental health issues through metaphors. All proceeds will be donated to Write Hive.

And we're accepting submissions for the anthology! We're looking for 10-15 submissions between 3k - 7k words. Interested? Check out our website for more details.

The deadline for submissions is 11:59 pm EST on March 12th, 2023.
Anthology Submissions

All authors have heard they need to figure out their brand, but what does that actually mean?

And author brand is essentially your public persona; it's the person your readers think of when they hear your name. Your author brand is who you are and what you represent as an author. And it is very imporant to brand yourself correctly as an author.

Check out our seminar about branding yourself as an author!
Watch Now
Wow, everyone! We have gotten so many submissions that not only is our 2023 roster already full, but we even have a few books lined up for 2024.

As such, we've decided to close submissions for now to allow our staff to catch a break, finsh reading through the last few submissions, and focus on the books we have coming out in the next year, as well as our own creative projects and personal lives.

We'll keep you all up to date on when submissions are going to reopen!

And don't forget, you can also submit a short story to our dark fantasy mental health anthology "Living with Demons"!
World building.

For some people, world building is the best part of the writing process. For others, it's the bane of their very existence.

World building can vary incomplexity. depending upon the setting of the book. If you're book is set in modern-day New York City, you won't have to do much world building beyond showing the audience the type of life your main character leads. But if you're book is set in a fantasy world of your own creation, you could have to figure out everything; the history of the world, the type of government(s) used in the country or countries in your world, the economic system and model, how magic works if you have magic, religion, philosophy, etc.

If you're starting from scratch, think carefully about which world building items are vital to your story. There's no sense in coming up without how an illicit drug market works in your world if your character never uses drugs or hangs out with those who do.

Remember: work smarter, not hard.
The first episode of our podcast "Cook the Books" is officially live!

For this first episode, we\re talking about why we named the show "Cook the Books". We're talking about finding the perfect recipe to being an author and writing a book.

Check it out now!
The Perfect Recipe
Remember in early elementary school, when your teachers told you read the directions on your homework, tests, quizzes, and project assignments carefully so that you don't miss anything important and sabotage your grade?

There is a reason why they taught you that.

When you're doing anything from querying a book to applying for a job, your ability to carefully read and follow all directions given can give a lot of insight into who you are as a person, a writer, a worker, whatever. If you don't follow querying directions to the T, publishing companies are going to think one of two things.

1. You're difficult to work with, don't know how to follow directions, and will make everyone's jobs harder.


2. You're irresponsible and cannot be trusted with simple requests and tasks.

So follow your directions. Make sure you answer every question and don't give snarky answers.
What an exciting start to the year! The Tea With Coffee team has been extra busy over the holidays preparing for the new year. We have a ton of new ventures that we’re extremely excited about!

We launched our Patreon to allow readers and fans another way to support our press. We will be giving away free books and swag, early access to Cook the Books episodes, and more to Patrons.

What is Cook the Books? Great question. Kelsey Anne Lovelady and I created this podcast as an extension to Tea With Coffee Media. We’ll be talking all things writing on the podcast. The first episode is out on YouTube now!

Speaking about writing, we had to make the decision to close the submissions for the year. We’re so excited because that means we have a full lineup of books through 2024!

But we did open paid anthology submissions for our very first anthology, Living With Demons. We partnered with WriteHive to donate all proceeds from the book to them.

Overall, these last few months have been full of our team tirelessly working to help our readers, fans, and support the development of our authors. Tea With Coffee Media, we’re here for you.
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