$20 Million in Grant Funding for High-Priority Projects
TAM is pleased to announce that $19.8M in transportation project grant funding was awarded to 11 high-priority transportation projects in Marin County. The awards were made by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) as part of two major grant programs. These highly competitive State and Federal grant programs, known as the Active Transportation Program (ATP) and One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) program, provide much needed transportation funding for projects focused on neighborhood connectivity, active transportation, Bay Trail connections, transit improvements, countywide planning, and transportation improvements and planning efforts in equity priority communities.
$10.2M in funding was awarded through the OBAG 3 grant program, and $9.6M was awarded through the ATP Cycle 6 program, representing $19.8M in overall funding. Eight projects were awarded as part of the OBAG 3 program and three projects were awarded as part of the ATP Cycle 6 program.
California Supreme Court Dismisses Challenge Against Regional Measure 3
Regional Measure 3 (RM3) was passed by Bay Area voters in June 2018 authorizing incremental increases to Bay Area bridge tolls to fund significant transportation improvements and help solve some of the Bay Area’s growing congestion problems. The measure is expected to generate up to $4.45 billion over 25 years to fund major transportation projects in the toll bridge corridors.
Funds from the $1 toll increases implemented on January 1, 2019, and January 1, 2022, are being placed into an escrow account managed by an independent trustee until the lawsuit is resolved. On January 25, 2023, the California Supreme Court dismissed challenges to RM3. The issue has been remanded to the appellate court and agencies remain optimistic that the funds, currently held in escrow, will be permitted to flow to priority transportation projects supported by Bay Area voters. Marin-related projects and programs in RM3:
- Marin-Sonoma Narrows – $120m
- US-101 to I-580 Multimodal and Local Access Improvement Connector – $135m ($210m for overall Richmond-San Rafael Bridge approaches)
- State Route 37 Improvements – $100m
- Downtown San Rafael Bettini Transit Center Relocation – $30m
- SMART Windsor & Healdsburg Extension – $40m
- North Bay Transit Access – $100m
- SF Bay Trail/Safe Routes to Transit – $150m
Updated Measure B Vehicle Registration Fee Expenditure Plan Amendment
On Thursday, January 26, the TAM Board of Commissioners considered adoption of the Amended Measure B Expenditure Plan and intends a final vote at the February 23 Board meeting after the 45-day public comment period. Measure B, the Marin County $10 Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF) was approved by voters in 2010. The 2010 Measure B Expenditure Plan lists projects and programs that are eligible for the VRF funds and establishes the percentage of funds that is allocated to each Element. The VRF currently generates approximately $2.3M each year providing funds for three Elements: 1) maintaining local streets and roads, 2) improving transit for seniors and persons with disabilities, and 3) reducing congestion and pollution.
TAM staff, in partnership with the Citizens' Oversight Committee, developed a set of recommended amendments based on the review and public input process. The staff report includes background, a presentation, recommendations, and the amended Expenditure Plan.
New Year Commute Challenge:
Jan 25 - March 7, 2023
To help you jump-start your commute in 2023, we’re offering the opportunity to earn bonus rewards on top of the rewards you can earn year-round by participating in Marin Commutes!
The new year is a great time to try something new or build a new commute habit! Marin Commutes is here to help with resources and rewards.
TAM Adopts 2023 Legislative Platform
At the beginning of each year, TAM staff develops, and the TAM Board adopts a Legislative Platform to guide policy decisions and communicate TAM’s goals and the County’s transportation needs to the Legislature and other agencies, such as the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Self-Help Counties Coalition (SHCC).
While transportation funding policies continue to remain a focal point, the proposed 2023 Legislative Platform addresses other key areas of interest to TAM, including, but not limited to, the following:
- support legislation and regional efforts to encourage the state to provide resources to transit agencies in dealing with the impacts from the pandemic;
- support legislation that mitigates climate change and promotes resilience;
- support legislation that encourages multi-modal transportation options that emphasize active transportation, zero emission vehicles, and public transit;
- support legislation that provides resources and incentives for electric vehicle usage and infrastructure; including support for transit operators transitioning bus, ferry, and rail fleets to zero emission vehicles;
- support legislation that allows transit buses to use highway shoulders where feasible; and
- support legislation that allows more opportunities and simplifies the existing rules for virtual public meetings after the end of the State of Emergency.
The complete legislative platform can view viewed here and includes detailed goals and strategies.
$400 Million Grant for Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) awarded a $400 million grant to the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (District) to complete the final phase of the Golden Gate Bridge seismic retrofit. The grant is provided through the FHWA’s Bridge Investment Program, which received $12.5 billion in funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021.
The Golden Gate Bridge seismic retrofit will strengthen the Bridge against major earthquakes and disasters. Due to the scale of the project, the seismic retrofit has been broken up into four phases, three of which have already been completed. The final phase of the project, called Phase 3B, includes strengthening the main span of the Bridge, two side spans, both towers, the south tower pier, and the underside of the toll plaza.
The construction budget is $879 million, with the remaining funding expected to come from a combination of state grants and District capital reserves. Construction is expected to begin in late 2024 and finish in 2029.
State Route 37 Planning & Environmental Linkages Study (PEL) Released
The future of the State Route (SR) 37 corridor demands finding solutions to chronic traffic congestion and periodic flooding. It also requires balancing transportation needs with protecting and enhancing sensitive marshland habitats. Planning a long-term solution presents an opportunity to provide bicycle, pedestrian, transit, and carpool options for all travelers. Caltrans completed a comprehensive, long-range Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study in December 2022 to identify the best solutions to address the diverse needs of this complex corridor.
National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization Released
The nation's first U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization was recently released by the federal government. Developed by the Departments of Energy, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and the Environmental Protection Agency, the Blueprint is a landmark strategy for cutting all greenhouse emissions from the transportation sector by 2050.
The plan aims to meet President Biden’s goals of securing a 100% clean electrical grid by 2035 and reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The Blueprint builds on President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act, which together represent historic investments in the future of our nation that will transform how the nation moves and lives while building the backbone of a safer and more sustainable transportation system.
Ride & Drive Clean Offers Webinars for People Considering EVs and E-Bikes
Now is a great time to buy or lease a new or used electric vehicle (EV). Current incentives can reduce costs by thousands of dollars. Join Ride & Drive Clean for webinars including topics, Save Money on an EV in 2023, New EV Owner Workshop, and Electrify Your Ride. Join these informational webinars to learn how you can save when you go electric. Sign up now.