
Hi! This is Jelle with the 4th edition of the newsletter.

In this newsletter, I’m introducing the new format. In each newsletter, I will share the blog posts I’ve written in the last month. Share the progress on my personal goals. And to finish it off I’ll share a quote and some of my favorite resources.

Let’s dive right in!


In January I’ve written 5 blog posts. A mix of metrics, soft skills, and a list of my favorite stories of my internships.


The progress of my goals for 2023:

Exercise at least once per week

This goal is going great. So far I’ve exercised twice each week. The biggest part of my exercise comes from walking.

Publish One blog post per week

As you can see in the posts section, I’ve written a blog post each week. It’s getting harder to not break the chain. But so far I’m good.

Send one newsletter per month

Oops. I’m writing this newsletter on the 6th of February, so I already missed the first month. I’m going to keep going and aim for 12 per year. Instead of once per month.

Read 24 books

So far I’m at 6 books! Already on schedule for March! The book I enjoyed the most was Can’t hurt me by David Goggins.

Follow my book reading challenge on Goodreads.


"What has been the best hour of my week? How can I make it easier to have more hours like that?" - James Clear

Favorite resources

Here are some of my favorite resources I discovered recently:

That’s it!

Thanks for reading the newsletter! I’d love to hear what you think.

See you in the next one!