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February 5, 2023

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

 The Monsignor's Musings 

Our scripture readings this weekend speak to the transformative power of love.  We continue to break open the Sermon on the Mount which began with the Beatitudes and now continues with our role to bring light to the world, flavoring it with our uniqueness.  

With the Beatitudes, Jesus shared with us an intimate insight into the way that God relates to us.  God is not impressed with power and riches.  Instead, God relates with us on a deeply personal level, taking note of those who suffer, who are gentle, who show compassion, and who are left behind.  In giving us the Beatitudes, Jesus invites us to share those qualities with one another by opening our hearts in love.  

A consistent them in our scriptures is the belief that our value is not measured by wealth, power, or even our actions, but rather it is measured by the love and compassion with which we show to other people.  As we continue to break open the words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount, we learn that we can become a light to the world and salt for the earth when we show love and compassion for one another.   

God created each one of us in love to be the unique and beautiful person we have become.  We cannot let the wounds of life turn us inwards, creating protective walls that separate us from one another.  In fact, Isaiah challenges us to reach out in love towards others: “Then will your light shine like the dawn and your wound be quickly healed over”.   You notice Isaiah didn’t say that our healing would come from finding a helping hand, but rather he said our healing comes when we reach out in love – there’s a big difference.

As we continue our journey of faith, let us ask God for the wisdom, strength, and courage to share ourselves with the world around us.  No matter where we find ourselves, may we always respond to one another with love, compassion, and open hands, letting God’s light lead us forward.

May God bless you and your loved ones today, tomorrow, and forevermore.

Fr. Harry 
If you have missed any of The Monsignor's Musings, you can read them on the parish web site at 
Image by <a href="">Ri Butov</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>
Music for the Soul

You Are The Light” by Sara Hart is a beautiful song reminding us that God is with us, no matter where we find ourselves in life, God is there lighting our path forward.  

You can listen to “You Are The Light” on YouTube by clicking here.

Prayer List

Christopher Stockert
George Stockert
Kristen Rader
Rick Stanley
Kevin Paton
Tom Draplin
John Morand
Jason Kezelian

Michael Zaydel
James Hirsch
Patricia Trudeau
Nancy Bukowski
David Saad
Br. Xavier Pankovitch
Sr. Alice Kotwick
Jennifer Lidgard
Bishop Michael Goddard
Cindy Knox
Pamela Miller
Dave Signon
Hank Johnson
David Pembrooke
Jeffrey Hall
Sue Hall
Ellen Fedorczyk
Marion McBrien
Rose Marie Cookie
Ron Bukowski
Martha Fiore
Elizabeth Hutko
Jim Bachelor
Fr. Charles Blanchard
Vera Cadotte
Jim Stokes
Lois Spencer
Patsy Dockery
Kathleen Moylan Klosterman
Lauren Torbico

Please remember Mary Beth and John Morand in your prayers.  They experienced a house fire this past week.  Fortunately, no one was injured, and their pets were safely rescued.  Remember them in prayer and offer words of encouragement as they deal with the challenges of rebuilding.

Please hold June Tyrrell, mother of Joe Tyrrell and mother-in-law of Joe Fedorczyk in prayer.  June passed away on Sunday surrounded by her family. She was 82 years old and deeply loved.  May she rest in the loving arms of our Savior.  We also pray for Joe and Joe and their family as they mourn their loss.  
Mass Intentions

Because as Catholics we believe the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life, Christ the Good Shepherd parish would be honored to remember your special intentions for the living or deceased at Mass.  If you would like to have a Mass offered on a special day, please see Fr. Charles.  A suggested donation of $20.00 for each Mass is requested.
Sacrificial Giving Report
01-01-2022 through 12-31-2022

Budget                        Actual
General Donations                General Donations
$ 58,521                    $ 67,688    

Budget                        Actual
Restricted General Donations        Restricted General Donations
$ 39,084                    $ 36,894

We are truly grateful for you and the gifts of your time, your talent and your treasure. In an exceptional way, you are the life blood of all that we do. Your generous support this past year truly reflects your gratefulness to God for the gifts you have received and are so willing to share.

By walking in faith and maintaining your financial giving, you have guaranteed, and will continue to guarantee, that our rent and utilities will be paid, our education programs will survive and grow, and the spiritual and corporal works of mercy of our parish will continue, especially our Shepherd’s Table community outreach.

For this, and for all that you do, we are deeply grateful to you, and for you.

At this time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates the community transmission level is Low.
Wearing a mask at mass
is optional. 

People may choose to mask at any time.
People who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask.
If you have symptoms or have tested positive with COVID, please consider participating in mass on our Facebook or YouTube pages.
Mass; 10:30am

Religious Education Committee; 7:00pm
Zoom Platform

Mass; 7:00 pm

The Chosen Discussion Group; 7:00pm
Zoom Platform

Social Hall
11:00am - 4:00pm

Mass; 4:30pm

Monday, February 13
Taizé Prayer; 6:00pm
Worship Committee Meeting; 6:45pm
Shepherd’s Table Committee Meeting; 7:00pm

Thursday, February 16
The Chosen Discussion Group; 7:00pm
Zoom Platform

This week Saturday, is our Parish Vision Brainstorming Session.

Our committee has been hard at work to make this an exciting and worthwhile time. 

We know it’s hard to give up a whole day, but we hope that you will join us.

This is a very important step in the process of defining who we are as a parish and what we hope to look like in the future. Without the input of many members, it truly will not be a parish-wide Vision Statement. We need your help.

Our day will start at 11am, include lunch and end at 4:00. For those who can stay, we conclude with mass at 4:30.

We hope to see you all next Saturday.

Please be a part of the positive process that will allow Christ The Good Shepherd help bring God’s Reign to earth now and in the future.

Please sign up with the form in the back of the church or online by clicking on the link below and filling in the form

The Chosen
The Discussion

The Religious Education Committee is pleased to announce that our viewing and discussion of Season Three continues this week. You are invited to watch Episode Six of The Chosen and then on Thursday evening, we will gather online via the ZOOM platform at 7:00pm to share our experiences and feelings of the episode. 

Everyone is invited to join us on-line. If you have not seen The Chosen before, we encourage you to download the app and watch Season Three. If you want to binge it and get caught up on Seasons One and Two, you'll enjoy that too.

On Thursday, join us on this link The Chosen: The Discussion to enter into the conversation. 
You'll be glad you did!
Click Here to watch "The Chosen" and download the app.
To see all events at Christ the Good Shepherd, click here to view our online calendar.
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Saturday, February 4
Mass is offered in memory of Brian Sullivan, who would have celebrated his 85th birthday on February 2.

Altar Server: Ross T.
First Reading: Barbara D.
Second Reading: Volunteer

Sunday, February 5
Mass is offered in memory of Brian Sullivan, who would have celebrated his 85th birthday on February 2.

Altar Server: Pat M.
First Reading: Paul C.
Second Reading: Jonathon Q.
Eucharistic Minister: Barbara S.
Greeters: Volunteers
Gift Bearers – Volunteers

Mass will be live-streamed on our Parish Facebook page


If you are a Lector, Altar Server, or Eucharistic Minister, please take a moment and sign up for the various ministries based on your availability.  

We will post the sign up sheets for a month at a time and include a reminder in the bulletin.

If you are sick, unable to attend Mass, or would like someone to visit you at home or in the hospital, please contact Deacon Ross at (248)701-1949 or  

If you are hospitalized, sick, or recovering from surgery or an illness, please let the parish know. 

I find that the Gospels on the Beatitudes are easy to overlook. I’ve heard them so many times; I can mumble them in my head and almost tune out. Of course, the beauty of the Gospels is that, if I do actually pay attention, there is always something new to hear or learn as I listen to them.

Take this week, for instance. Salt, lamp, good deeds. Got it. But do I? In actuality, this Gospel is incredibly challenging to me. Why? Because Jesus is calling me to DO something and BE something in this life. None of this sittin’ around and letting someone else do the work for me.

Salt, as you have undoubtedly have heard, was used as a preservative in Jesus’ time. So am I supposed to be preserving today? Well, I think there is still a lot of goodness in this world, regardless of what we read in the news. There are so many good people doing good deeds out there that we never hear about. I am called to support them and preserve their efforts because they are good and just and true. Their inspiring witness offers us strong evidence that the mind of Christ still inhabits the world.

Being a light to the world is even harder. This really does require action. In the first reading today, Isaiah lays it out pretty clearly: “Share your bread with the hungry, shelter the oppressed and the homeless; clothe the naked when you see them.” (IS 58:7) And when I do this, I must do it in a spirit of humility and service. Jesus reminds me that it is the Holy Spirit who guides me into being willing to perform acts of service, not my own will. So I need to check my pride at the door and open my heart to see and touch those in need.

When I look around at what others are doing – all the good works that no one hears about but happens every day, I know I have to find a way to get a little more involved. I know it’s not going to be easy. I have a hundred and four excuses why I’m too busy, can’t get there or can’t afford it. Following Jesus is not an easy proposition or an enviable position. God is calling everyone, not just a few chosen ones, to God’s self. But this is the life I have chosen and the calling I must follow. 

As hard as it will be, as Sr. MaryAnn Mueller has said, I “must be the voice, the salt that preserves the values of inclusivity, truth, the interconnectedness of all, and the light that illuminates the significance of the common good to our divisive society and the world where individualism reigns.”
Every Day.


If you missed any of the Everyday Evangelist articles, you can read them on the parish web site

Brian Pollard
February 9

Don Stone
February 17

Cassidy Lickey
February 20

Joseph Plesuchenko
February 25
Did we miss your birthday?
Please let us know and we'll add you to our list!

Photo by <a href="">Luan Filadelfo</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Readings for Next Sunday

February 11-12, 2023 
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Read, Reflect, Prepare
Click on the image above
to take in next week’s mass readings
and prepare your heart.

  • First Reading: Sirach 15:15-20
  • Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34
  • Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:6-10
  • Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:17-37
Matthew continues the Sermon on the Mount with a three part instruction by Jesus on the Way of Life in the reign of God. Today’s reading is part one and deals with the Law. 

When Matthew speaks of “the Law and the prophets” he means the whole Scripture. Jesus does not overturn the Law of Moses, nor does he set his followers free from the Law. He requires his followers to go beyond the Law by doing more than the Law requires.

The written scriptures and their interpretation in tradition are surpassed by Jesus whose life and teaching are the definitive revelation of the will of God.

Edited from Loyola Press; Sunday Connection 
Image by <a href="">海然 广告</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world.

show us how to be salt-worthy 
and how to give 

We want to share our bread with the hungry;
we want to shelter the homeless
and clothe the naked.

Show us how to help the immigrant,
and free those who are 

Help us take your light 
everywhere dark.
Teach us to

a little at first, 
then all we 


- Ann Osdieck

Prayer for Peace and Justice

Dear Lord,

We stand before you, a wounded people, hungering for peace and justice. Protect the people of Ukraine, Palestine, Africa, and other nations experiencing poverty, war, and destruction. 

Protect all children, women, and men from further harm and may your Holy Spirit inspire people throughout the world to work for peace and justice.  

Instill a desire for peace and justice in the minds and hearts of all people, especially world leaders.  

May suffering, discrimination, armed conflict and all forms of violence come to an end and may your Holy Name be praised throughout the world forever and ever.  


Let us pray that we who are “Enduring Parishioners” and “New-Found Friends” 
of Christ the Good Shepherd
may respond to God’s trust in us who possess any talents!
God of Peace and Love; You who are kind, loving and full of mercy,
You no longer call us servants, but friends!
There is so much You have entrusted to us, even the future of
Your kingdom of justice, peace and love.
Give us the grace to work with You today, tomorrow and beyond.
May this growth in mercy and goodness unite all people who seek
You with a sincere heart.
Striving to be reconciliation and joy to everyone, may
Christ the Good Shepherd
forever be “The Small Church With A Big Heart”
through our collective talents, time and treasures.
Let us go together the way to You,
our living and loving God
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Parish Bulletin
The bulletin is a great way to communicate information with your fellow parishioners.  Do you have something you would like to see appear in the bulletin? We are always looking for ideas and/or articles. Send suggestions or articles to

Do you know someone who may enjoy reading this Newsletter? Why not forward it onto them with a little note explaining why you enjoy being a part of Christ the Good Shepherd. It might be just what they are looking for or waiting for. You might be God’s voice when they need it most.


Did someone forward this email to you? We hope you enjoyed reading all that is going on at the Small Church With A Big Heart. Truly, all are welcome at Christ the Good Shepherd Old Catholic Church, without partiality. To learn more about our community, visit our web site or contact any of our clergy to discuss your needs and concerns.

(248) 439-0470

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