Justice for Tyre Nichols
Honoring Black History Month
As we mourn the tragic loss of Tyre Nichols' life an seek to recognize Black History Month, we choose to elevate Nikki Jones' voice as we call for a future that is safer for Black lives.
- D-Lab Featured Event -
Meetup and Pizza Social for GIS & Mapping Community of Practice
Feb 7 | 11:00am-12:30pm
D-Lab Collaboratory, Social Sciences Building Room 356
This month's "welcome back" meetup & pizza social is hosted by the D-Lab! We'll meet in the D-Lab Collaboratory and learn about the D-Lab's services, trainings, and spaces. Plus, of course, opportunities to chat with other folks on campus about what they're doing with GIS & mapping.
The GIS & Mapping Community of Practice is an informal meetup that offers participants an opportunity to get to know other people using mapping tools and techniques across campus, regardless of discipline. Whether you're just getting started exploring GIS & Mapping or a seasoned pro (or anywhere in between!), all are welcome to participate in the GIS & Mapping Community of Practice. Bring your questions and get excited to meet fellow mappers!
Digital Humanities Working Group
Feb 24, Mar 17, Apr 23 | 12pm-1pm
D-Lab Collaboratory, Social Sciences Building, Room 356
The UC Berkeley Digital Humanities Working Group is a research community founded to facilitate interdisciplinary conversations in the digital humanities and cultural analytics. Our gatherings are participant driven and provide a place for sharing research ideas (including brainstorming new ideas and receiving feedback from others), learning about the intersection of computational methods and humanistic inquiry, and connecting with others working in this space at Berkeley.
We welcome grad students, faculty, and staff from all disciplinary backgrounds regardless of whether you are a beginner or an expert in empirical and data-driven methods. Working group meetings may include participants sharing work on current or future research, open discussions about theoretical, methodological or other challenges (e.g., data collection), invited speakers, and social mixers. Research at any stage of development (including nascent) is welcome for discussion.
The Digital Humanities Working Group is led by David Bamman (School of Information), Stacy Reardon (Literatures and Digital Humanities Librarian), and Tim Tangherlini (Department of Scandinavian) and is sponsored by the Townsend Center for the Humanities.
UC Berkeley Department of Statistics
Hiring a Lecturer
The Department of Statistics at UC Berkeley invites applications for a pool of qualified temporary instructors to teach the following courses should an opening arise. Screening of applicants is ongoing and will continue as needed. The number of positions varies from semester to semester including summer sessions, depending upon the needs of the Department. General duties include developing syllabi, lecturing, writing assignments, writing and grading exams, supervising teaching assistants, holding office hours, and maintaining a course website. Other duties may be assigned by the Chair as necessary.
Predoctoral Position Open
at Harvard's Department of Sociology
Professors David Pedulla and Daniel Schneider (Department of Sociology and Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University) are recruiting one full-time predoctoral research fellow to start in summer 2023. The fellow will support and collaborate on multiple survey and experimental projects related to work and social inequality, assist with data cleaning and analysis, and contribute to research reports and papers. The successful applicant will receive mentoring from faculty and have access to a broad range of activities at Harvard. This opportunity is likely to provide experience that will be particularly relevant for individuals interested in pursuing a PhD in Sociology, Psychology, Economics, or Public Policy. Appointment terms for Fellows are for one year with the strong potential for a second year renewal.
Delft University of Technology
PhD position in Designing Digital Health for Social Justice
Located in the Netherlands, the candidate will work on designing digital health for social justice, working closely with Dr. Caroline Figueroa and Dr.ir. Mark de Reuver. Your work will be supported by a scientific programmer and data steward.
UC Love Data Week is a week-long offering of presentations and workshops focused on data access, management, security, sharing, and preservation. Whether you're working on qualitative or quantitative data, we've got events for you! All members of the University of California community are welcome to attend. Make sure to register with your UC-campus email.
Call for Student Posters: Women in Data Science Berkeley
On Campus, March 7
Women in Data Science (WiDS) is a global community that hosts an annual conference, and since 2016, UC Berkeley has hosted its own WiDS event. As part of this year's conference, we want to highlight the exceptional data science work completed by students at UC Berkeley. On Tuesday March 7, we will host a poster session during an extended lunch to showcase completed and/or in progress data science projects led by UC Berkeley students. If you are interested in presenting a poster, please provide your name, project title, and a brief project summary below to be considered.
HTML /CSS Toolkit for Digital Projects
May 3 | 2:10pm-3:30pm | Register here.
- External Events -
Coleridge Initiative's
3rd Annual National Convening
March 27 - 29
We are excited to invite you to the Coleridge Initiative's 3rd Annual National Convening: Cross-Agency Collaboration for Evidence-Building, on March 27th - 29th, 2023. The first day of the conference, March 27th, is reserved for an invitation-only meeting beginning at 1:30 PM ET for the Multi-State Data Collaboratives.
This year’s convening is a three-day event at the Hamilton Hotel in Washington, D.C. that will highlight the transformative potential of collaboration among government agencies and researchers that use linked administrative data to produce actionable insights to improve government programs. Federal and state governments are critical partners in creating the evidence-building ecosystems needed to harness federal and state data to benefit constituents, improve programs, and inform policy.
The event will feature speakers from the federal and state government as well as leaders from local governments, university partners, and other private sector organizations.
University of Washington Summer Program:
2023 Data Science for Social Good
June 12 - August 18
You are invited to apply for an opportunity to work closely with data science professionals and students to make better use of your data. The University of Washington Data Science for Social Good summer program at the eScience Institute brings together data scientists and domain researchers to work on focused, collaborative projects for societal benefit.
BITSS Workshop: Forecasting in the Social Sciences
March 2, 2023
Led by Stefano DellaVigna (UC Berkeley) and Eva Vivalt (Australian National University), the 2023 workshop will bring together leaders from across academic disciplines to present new research findings, share knowledge, and continue charting a path forward for prediction in the social sciences. The Social Science Prediction Platform, which has over 4,500 completed forecasting surveys for over 50 projects, is facilitating the collection and cataloging of forecasts for the broader research community.
Contact Grace Han at grace.han24@berkeley.edu with any questions about this event.
- XLab for Social Science Research -
The eXperimental social
science Laboratory (XLab)
Xlab supports UC Berkeley’s world class research by providing resources such as access to participant pools, experiment coordination, payment support, access to softwares, grants, and more. It also provides technical and administrative support. For more information about Xlab, click here!
Support D-Lab
Join our community of donors by making a gift to D-Lab. Contributions of any size will support free, inclusive workshops and resources for the UC Berkeley community. Give today!