Pitfalls of Predictions, Planning & Parking
We learned a lot from Gabe's talk of American Urbanism this past Saturday. He started with a great video about the history of planning American towns, explaining how they started originating about 10 miles apart, allowing for a reasonable walk for anyone living 5 miles from a town to be able to get to town and back and shop/conduct business within a day. If you look on a map of a rural area in the US today, Missouri is a perfect example, you'll notice larger towns are noticeably about 10 miles apart. Larger cities with extended metropolitan areas developed near coasts and rivers; 29 of the 30 largest metro areas of the world are near a major water access. But once trains and streetcars and automobiles and subways came to be, cities dramatically changed. People could move farther away from where they worked, a trend still affecting large metropolitan areas today. Gabe discussed zoning plans and effects in cities and the ongoing problems with parking, including huge parking lots that take up valuable, urban space. The fascinating morning ended with students sharing their personal mobility within their neighborhoods a bit and a brainstorming of what the future should look like when it comes to transportation and where we live. If you have a question or comment for Gabe, shoot him an email: gabe.j.lepak@gmail.com
You can also follow him on Twitter: gabe, allegedly @untiloasis.
To see photos from Saturday, Gabe's presentation, and some recommended books/videos click here.
The St. Louis Holocaust Museum tour for Feb. 12 is full!
The maximum number of people have already signed up for this Sunday's tour at the St. Louis Kaplan Feldman Holocaust Museum (12 Millstone Campus Dr., Creve Coeur 63146) from 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm. If you would like to be added to a wait list in case anyone tells us they can't make it, please email Stephanie at gavinstephanie89@gmail.com.
For everyone who is signed up for the tour, please arrive by 12:45 so we can all get through security before the tour at 1:00.
Please email us if you can no longer make it!
We've scheduled another Roundtable Discussion!
Join us again, or for the first time, on Saturday, February 25 for another one of our popular Roundtable Discussions. We'll meet at the Oak Bend Library Branch (842 S. Holmes Ave., 63122) from 10:00 am until noon to talk about topics you choose. Snacks and drinks and fun company will be plentiful, so it's a very enjoyable way to earn another Game Changer point.
Click here to sign up!
Also on Feb. 25, League of Women Voters Trivia
For the past four years, Civitas students and staff have combined to form winning, or near winning, teams at the St. Louis League of Women Voters Trivia Night. We once again invite interested students to become part of our teams. This year's Trivia is at the First Congregational Church of Webster Groves (map) on Saturday, February 25. Doors open at 6:30 PM; play begins at 7:00 PM. Bring your brains and a friend and earn Game Changer points! You can sign up by clicking here.
The Sign Up Form is LIVE for High School Model UN spring sessions on April 1 and April 15!

What we know:
- Both of the Saturday sessions on April 1 and April 15 will be in the morning, 9:00 am until noon.
- Both will be held at Browning Auditorium at Webster University (same location as fall).
- Students can attend either session on their own; no need to be a part of a school group.
- Sign up to represent the same country you had in the fall; if there are duplicates, we'll notify you of options.
- If you did not participate in the fall, you are welcome to attend a spring session. Contact Stephanie at gavinstephanie89@gmail.com for a list of available countries.
- Priority will be given to seniors for resolution order of discussion.
- Click here to sign up.
Interested in a Civitas Book Club?

Excellent books are being written for young people today, some of which, unfortunately, are not readily available in area high schools. Civitas is planning a book discussion to be held in April, giving everyone plenty of time to get and read the selected young adult novel by a debut author, We Deserve Monuments written by Jas Hammonds. We imagine a lot of students being interested in this compelling novel about 17-year old Avery, who is Black and gay, being uprooted from her urban Washington D.C. life and school to rural Georgia for her senior year. If you would like to be a part of the book discussion, please click here to sign up and indicate your preferred setting and time. We're considering a Zoom discussion or an in-person discussion, but we want to hear from you. We'll schedule the exact date soon.
We can help students get a copy of the book, if needed. Just let us know!
To listen to a short NPR interview with the author of We Deserve Monuments, click here.
Sunday, February 12, 2023, 1:00 pm-3:00 pm a tour of the St. Louis Holocaust Museum
Meet at the St. Louis Holocaust Museum at 12:45 to check in for a guided tour and discussion.
Sign up is now closed! Contact us if you would like to be added to a wait list.
Saturday, February 25, 2023, 10:00 am-12:00 pm at Oak Bend Library
A Roundtable Discussion to talk about topics that interest you.
Sign up here!
Saturday, February 25, 2023, 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM at First Congregational Church of Webster Groves
Civitas Trivia Team(s) at League of Women Voters Trivia Night. Open to Civitas students who sign up.
Sign up here!
A date in April to be decided later: Book discussion of We Deserve Monuments by Jas Hammonds.
After a few people sign up and share their preferences, we'll announce a date and place.
Click here to sign up and share your preferred times/venues.
Saturday, April 1, 2023, 9:00 am until noon, High School Model UN at Webster University
Sign up here!
Saturday, April 15, 2023, 9:00 am until noon, High School Model UN at Webster University
Sign up here!
Austin Energy workers Ken Gray, Left, and Chad Sefcik work to restore power on ice-covered lines in Austin, Texas on Wednesday, February 1. A wave of ice and sleet hammered parts of the southern and central United States. -- Jay Janner/Austin American-Statesman/AP
This past week at the United Nations