Happy Valentine's Day from Heart House!
pictured from left to right: Gilian (TA, Teaching Associate), Divina (3rd-5th Teacher), Linda, (TA), and D'Andre (TA)
To help kick off programming, our Program Team has been hosting outreach events in front of the Vickery Park Branch Library. It's been a bit chilly in Vickery Meadow, so our staff made "Snowman Soup" (hot chocolate) to pass out to students along with school supplies, Heart House shirts, and hoodies.
Our Teaching Associates created fun games for students to play while we met new families and spread the word about Heart House.

Students made and flew their own paper airplanes to "Fly on Down to Heart House"! Kids had fun practicing their aim while winning fidget toys and candy as prizes. Our staff had a blast too!
🌟 Volunteer Spotlight 🌟
Brian has been volunteering at Heart House since the summer of 2022. From reading with students, listening to them talk about their day, and being a kind presence in the classroom, he has made quite a positive impact on our students. Our students looked forwards to playing soccer with Mr. Brian every week!
Volunteer this year!

Did you know that if you have at least three hours, one day a week, you could volunteer at Heart House? You must pass a Dallas Independent School District’s background check and commit to at least one month of service.

For more information about becoming a Heart House volunteer, please click the button below or contact our volunteer coordinator at
Learn more about Volunteering here!
Looking for Community Partnerships

We are always looking for groups to share new and exciting project-based learning activities with our students! 

If your group is interested in
helping plan an activity with Heart House students, please reach out to Manju Warrier at
Are you a member of a Giving Circle? 

If the answer is yes, we hope you will consider nominating Heart House! We would be so grateful to have the support of your giving circle--whether that support is financial or through your time.

If you are not a current member of a Giving Circle, we encourage you to join one and nominate Heart House in the future!
Please click the button below to donate to Heart House.
Thank you for being a major part of the ❤️ in Heart House!
Click here to Donate!
Thanks for reading!


Amber Martin
Executive Director, Heart House
(214) 750-7637 / Amartin@hearthousedallas.org
Copyright © 2023 Heart House, All rights reserved.

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