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The Year in Review - 2022
Dear Friends, 

As we reflect on 2022, we at Hope 2 One Life wish to
Thank YOU for your kindness and generosity! Your donations provided support for many vulnerable people, as well as funding for several programs and projects. What an honor and privilege to partner with you in this endeavor as we work together to make a difference in lives of impoverished people in Uganda. 

Thank You all so very much for your partnership and generous support. We are eternally grateful!  

The Team at Hope 2 One Life
From ACFD Director Terence Acaye
     “All the groups where I visited were very appreciative of the support you are giving them in terms of the trainings for the farmers and the school teachers. They also thank you all for the support to the nursery schools in terms of the school supplies.
     As the growing season has just begun, the groups have a lot of hope in making money from growing different kinds of crops and vegetables to support the nursery schools that have started.
     Thank you all for supporting these communities in different ways.   Your support is making a huge difference in the lives of all the people because after my visit, the members are more united than before and more eager to work to see the nursery school for the young ones thrive.
     The different groups have different requests and needs as above and my humble request is to continue supporting these groups and walk with them in this journey. Some of the items they requested for needs a lot of money and some can’t be implemented immediately but I believe with the heart they have we can make this happen through a process.”
Hope 2 One Life partners with the Agape Community Foundation for Development (ACFD) and it's cornerstone Agape Training Center and Farm in addition to multiple remote war torn villages mentored by ACFD in the Acholi region of northern Uganda.  Two groups of village health teams, 6 village community unity groups and a few small micro businesses operate in the villages.  

ACFD partners with more than 500 persons in 6 villages and neighboring regions:
Awal -- Awere -- Kampala (includes Katamarwa, Mboira and Rakayata) -- Palabek (includes Moroto West and Lairobe) -- Kweyo -- Wipolo

The village leaders have requested a comprehensive business training so they may learn how to sustainably run the nursery school and  income generation activities of the village community groups, encompassing: Farming God's Way (FGW), bee keeping, tailoring and more. This is an exciting new program and partnership potential for 2023. 

Activities on ACFD - Agape Training Center and Farm included: start up nursery school, further completion of the dining and kitchen with painting, extension of outdoor kitchen, building of multi - purpose meeting space, first trainings with the village health team and farming Gods way village groups. mission team visits from US visitors: 2 board members and volunteer friends, agriculture relief and sustainable farming renewed efforts.
A variety of village support occurred and the high inflation fuel costs of travel to these remote areas realized.

Check out year 2022 recap below!
4 Village Nursery Schools Started
  • 10 Teachers trained in 2021 with the Roots to Fruits curriculum: 2 each for 5 villages. 
  •  200 small plastic chairs provided for nursery school students - 40 each for Palabek, Awere and Awal, Kweyo (Omiya-Anyima) - 60 children), Paimol/Wipolo (120 children). Note some villages have far more students enrolled and more chairs are needed. 
  • Chalkboards and other school supplies provided.
  • Half of the third term of the nursery school teacher fees the parents struggled to pay following the pandemic hardship was provided as a bridge forward to their nursery school success.
  • Teacher Betty is sponsored in further teaching certificate. 
  • Palabek Village is working to build their nursery school, and their bracelet making project has reinvested into them for tin roofing sheets for the project. 
  • Kweyo village is starting their nursery school with poles and metal roofing sheets.
  • Although the schools are primitive, it is a start up and a very important first step with bridge building toward their own sustainable way forward for a long term village school program. In order to be successful they need the ability to manage and sustain it themselves.  
  • God willing another teacher training will occur with a “train the trainer” program in 2023.  
Farming Gods Way Training
12 people from 6 villages attended training in Gulu in early February 2022. On site mentorship occurred in their villages by Denis Odong following in the end of February.  Further on site training occurred for the first time as intended on the ACFD - Agape Training Center and Farm with the H20 mission team in June 2022. Trainings included teaching compost and natural pest control techniques.  
Said an attendee “this small group on-site FGW training was the best learning experience we had!" 

Their transformational farming stories have been so inspiring!  What a blessing to be able to visit a few of the villages first hand to see the changes! 
Over $3000 in Hunger relief from drought of food supplies, grain, soap, cooking oil etc was distributed to 5 partner villages (over 500 people)

The Awere village relief included ground maize from the grain grinder and distributed from the newly constructed grain storage shed. This also included a meal of fish for the Agape nursery school children, their parents and the village elderly.  School supplies were also provided.
The Multipurpose Building at Agape Training Center and Farm 
The meeting area was constructed due to the increasing demand from the communities to come and conduct their trainings and workshops at the ACFD farm. This was in full use during the 2022 Mission Trip. A village community assembly with meal, song and dance from the children occurred.

Parents meetings for the nursery school occurred during Tom Osborne’s visit and following. There are so many uses for this space, which includes an extended outdoor cooking area. The nursery school uses this shade structure as well. 

Multiple other small projects saw completion on the Farm: painting the kitchen and dining, attaching some water pipes, acquisition of furniture for the farm manager house including shelving with a locking cabinet, and acquisition of a table and chair for the nursery school teacher office.
Two Hope 2 One Life Mission Trips occurred for the first time in 2.5 years due to the Covid pandemic. One in June 2022 with Founder Nadine Hart and volunteer Liz Dutton (pictured left).  Tom Osborne, President followed in October 2022. Mariel and Heather Rieland, long time friends and volunteers also visited the Agape Farm. 

The mission trips supplied mosquito nets, VHT’s first aid and malaria prevention, hygiene and handwashing supplies, bicycles; school children and teacher supplies; sewing machines, microbusiness  and agriculture/seeds/tools support, trainings, meetings and more. 
Northern Uganda Village Health Team (VHT’s) assembled in June for the refresher trainings.  They have requested more training and an updated VHT  manual.

Women’s hygiene kits were distributed to the community women. 

First aid supplies were distributed to the N Uganda VHT’s and to the Emmanuel clinic VHT’s. Each group has government trained malaria VHT’s who received malaria treatment meds and supplies. 

3 new VHT’s received bicycles to do their field work and home visits.
The Katamarwa tailoring women opened up a new shop in Kikumba town with a 50% gift / 50% loan from Hope 2 One Life at the end of 2021 and are working hard to sustain themselves in 2022.  They were hired to sew a set of school uniforms.

One of the women’s work is of such good quality she is poised to become a tailoring teacher, God willing.

Palabek bracelet community project also is reinvested in their village needs, such as paying the third term of their tailoring teacher - those tailors learning will then be in a position to sew the nursery school children’s uniforms and form a small business. 

Two sewing machines were supplied to the new Kweyo village tailoring group also helps their ability to sew the nursery school uniforms and establish a small business for their community group who already has a trained tailor to teach others. 

Some of their handmade products from craft fairs held in 2022 is reinvested in the communities. 
Beehives were distributed for the next planned income generation village sustainability projects, as well as more hunger relief suppies - all facilitated by ACFD in the pouring rain! 
Savings Groups

Denis Odong visits the villages in Sept 2022 and reports, "All the community groups have a savings group comprised of at least 30 members.
There are good testimonies from these savings group on how its helping family members come out of poverty. For example, most families in Awal at least have goats or cows. Proceeds from the sale of the agricultural produce is put into the savings group account where every group member is allowed to borrow money for personal developments like crop farming, purchase of animals or pay school fees.
Through these savings group, members can learn allot about business and financial literary as already requested by some group members".

Photo above:  Awal
They planted sunflower and cotton in 2 acres. Money from the sale of these crops are invested back into the next growing season and part of the money is put into the savings group where group members borrow as loans and pay back with interest.

  • They planted 2 acres of soya beans. Proceeds from the sale will go the school and the savings group.
  • The group wants to grow dry season vegetables but they are yet to find a good water source.
Kweyo group planted 1 acre of Ground nuts and part of the harvest will be used as seed for the next planting season.


All the groups requested for beehives and northern Uganda is well-known for good honey. Honey business helps to diversify their income generating activities because it’s not much affected by change in weather conditions like prolonged dry spells.
All the groups received 10 hives each. By the time of my visit, Palabek had 2 beehives already colonized, Kweyo village was ready to take their hives in the bush and Awal was to choose another sight for the bee hives.
All the group members requested for capacity building on apiary production through trainings. this will be done in 2023.
Agape Farm relief for fish and pig feed was provided. A fisheries consultant provided valuable advice as they strive for sustainable farming and animal husbandry following the pandemic. The struggle was real, hard work and perseverance recognized. Hope is realized. We give glory to God and pray for forward progress. 

Samuel was brought on by ACFD as a new farm manager while completing his agriculture studies and certificate. He is doing an amazing job! 

Stay tuned for the next newsletter showcasing how he and the agriculture interns are learning and working to improve/add sustainable agriculture techniques to the Agape Farm!  
Bibles in the local Acholi language were provided to teachers, and students received books of childrens' Bible stories. Denis distributed solar bibles to the village and reports, "The group representatives were happy to receive the solar bibles on behalf of the group members. They will be in position to hear the word of God during their meetings especially when they meet for weekly savings group. This will help them grow spiritually".
Prayer requests:
  • Strategic planning for both H20 and ACFD
  • Partnership development 
  • Business training 
  • Successful village nursery schools, farming and income generation projects 
  • Agape training center and farm intern, agriculture and solar water programs/projects 
  • ACFD sustainability 
1Corinthians 13:13  And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
WHAT a DIFFERENCE YOU MAKE in these peoples lives. Words cannot express our gratitude. The Ugandans always convey how grateful they are and send their greetings and prayers to all of you. May you be richly blessed.

Hope 2 One Life is an all volunteer nonprofit organization.
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Many thanks to Kinetic Marketing and Creative and John and Diane Standish for making the website a reality in 2022.  
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