
Why Five Moments?

Life is made up of moments and they come in many different forms. We don’t always recognize the significance or appreciate each one like we should. Every Thursday I share some of my favorite moments with you in hopes that we can all live in and appreciate the significance and impact that each moment offers.

Visit the “Made For This Moment” blog by clicking on Captain Gordon’s picture below.

Made For This Moment

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Moments To Lead

I believe too many people miss out on the "good stuff" that is waiting for them because they give up to early and to easily.

An amazing working and collaborative relationship with someone in your workplace may be just around the corner after that crucial conversation.

The weight that you've wanted to lose, the changes that you want to make in your life will be worth it and happen if you commit to the long range process and stay disciplined to the plan.

The book you've wanted to write or that project you need to do can be completed if you commit the time and effort to it by sacrificing staring aimlessly at the TV screen.

Now yells louder but later lasts longer. Now is easy. Now is comfortable. Get through the now to the later that will last and be worth it in the long run.

Often times it is the difficulty that makes it the amazing all the more amazing.

I’m cheering for you.

Moments To Be Better

Slow progress is hard for me to handle sometimes. Waiting can be the hardest part.

I don't have to tell you that we live in a society that wants and almost demands instant feedback and even instant results.

We have a hard time waiting to lose the weight we set out to lose two months ago at the start of the year. It's not falling off so we give up and go back to the junk food and no exercise.

We can't hit that long drive consistently off of the tee after a couple of lessons so we decide that the lessons aren't worth it and we just go back to "grip it and rip it" and don't go back to the lessons or the range to work on the fundamentals.

We want to play the piano like Billy Joel or Elton John (date myself) but don't take into account all of the lessons and long hours they spent practicing scales to master their craft.

We want what we want and we want it yesterday. Unfortunately, that's not how it works does it?

Commit first to the process. Great coaches and leaders say this all of the time and it is so right. The process is slow. The process is consistent. The process produces the results that we desire but we must truly commit to the process and embrace the fact that slow progress is part of what it will take.

Slow progress is better than no progress and slow progress is forward progress. Stay committed to the process and the progress. No matter how slow it may seem to be happening.

It will work out.

Trust the work.

Commit to the work.

Moments From Social Media

Have you ever thought about that statement “Extraordinary chose you?”

I think it’s within each of us, but we have to step into it.

Interesting thought.

Challenging thought.

Moments From What I’ve Read

This is an excellent book that I’m reading through. Chapter 1 had a great quote and thought from Michael Jordan.

“At 30 I was moving so fast, I never had time to think about all the things I was encountering all the things I was touching. Now, when I go back and find all these things (his championship rings), it triggers so many different thoughts. I forgot about that. That’s how fast we were moving. Now, I can slow it down and hopefully remember what that meant.” I value that, I like reminiscing.”

Interesting and true. Sometimes we move through life so fast that we don’t take the time to appreciate what we’re doing.

Remembering and reminiscing is important.

No matter who you are.

Moments You Remember

Speaking of reminiscing and remembering.

We went back to Manning last Friday to watch the Wolves play. Yeah, that’s weird to say, because I’m a Bulldog from the Manning days. (you’ll notice Deb wore red)

We went to watch our good friend (Brad Kusel) and watch his son play. His son Ross played very well and the Wolves won 59-56 in a good game.

We also saw some other friends and enjoyed some post game at Level B, a restaraunt owned by a former player.

We have so many fond memories from Manning. So many. It’s where we spent the most time as a family, had two of our children (AJ and Abby) born there, and just enjoyed our life and time there.

It always feel like home and it is good to always go back.

How about a few Manning photos to close out this newletter.

Thank You for reading and supporting Five Moments.

I appreciate you all so much.

Be Blessed!

Contact Todd


Call: 712-579-6015

Let me know how I can help you, your group, team or organization.

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