Happy Tuesday!

Welcome to the latest edition of Docto Tech Life on this last day of January, the longest month of the year. But why does January feel so long? After all, more than half of a year's months are technically just as long.

Is it the lack of sunlight, cold weather, the post-holiday letdown and financial stress from holiday spending? Or can the feeling of time dragging be attributed to having a routine disrupted from the holidays, causing a sense of boredom and restlessness? 

We don't have the answer, but we have plenty of fresh tech content to make this last day go by in a flash!



Astro 2.0

Last week we shared what Alex MacArthur likes about Astro. This week Astro is back with a new major version! What's on the menu: automatic type-safety for Markdown & MDX, Hybrid Rendering, HMR, and more... I know I can't wait to try it out!

TypeScript 5.0 is coming...

TypeScript 5.0 beta is out! In this video, Matt Pocock explains some cool additions to this next release. This version packs a long list of changes. Out-of-the-box decorators, multiple tsconfig files, and more...

Speeding up the JS ecosystem 2 - module resolution

A follow-up post to digging into the performances of JS tooling by Marvin Hagemeister. This time, he's having a look at module resolution and ended up gaining more than 30% perf improvement. An interesting read once again.



What it took to build a Rails integration for Rodauth

Rodauth is a Ruby authentication that is not tied to Rails, meaning you can use it outside of a Rails app (which is not the case for all existing authentication solutions). In the beginning of 2020, Janko Marohnić decided to try and make Rodauth Rails-compliant too... and that was not an easy task. He goes over all it took to get to a satisfying result.

An Intro to dry-schema

If you've worked on a Rails application, you know that Rails brings multiple ways to validate the data associated to a model, along with ways to validate params passed to a controller action. Maybe you already heard of dry-schema, a fast and well-regarded gem that does just that... and a bit more. Dive into some examples with Abiodun Ajibade.

Choosing a Postgres primary key

I'll be honest with you: at first, I didn't think a blog post about primary key format in Postgres would be so interesting. But it was! It's diving into the different kinds of unique identifiers, the history and how they relate to each other, some benchmark and advice on how to choose them... truly a great read!

Engineering culture & tech tools  


Why is DRY the most over-rated programming principle

When you see repeating code in a PR do you have a knee jerk reaction to yell "DRY"? In this short blog post, it is explained why repeating yourself might actually be a good thing. 

On technical debt

There are 2 kinds of technical debt, the first is to "just make things work" and the second is to build stuff "just because you might need it". As developers, we need to ensure code is  maintainable and repairable while not introducing technical debt.

On the importance of pull request discipline

This article is a clear guide to how the write great PRs. Make your teammates' lives easier and give it a read 😊.

Docto Tech Life  


How we started our own Design System Team

This article by Julien Tanay, an engineering manager, shares insights and lessons learned from Doctolib's journey in building and maintaining a comprehensive design system team. It's a great read for anyone interested in learning more about the process of creating a dedicated design system team and the benefits it can bring to an organization, especially in the healthcare industry.

How do we design for specialists at Doctolib?

This article by Jacques Trouillet, a product designer at Doctolib, explains the process and considerations of designing digital products for specialist healthcare providers, such as doctors and hospitals. The article discusses the specific needs and requirements of these specialists, as well as the challenges and solutions in creating user-friendly and efficient product for them.
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TechLife is brought to you by our editors: Hélène Droal, Charlotte Feather, Eva Stolz, Tara Matthews, Tevin Otieno, Tobi Poel, Noémie Baudouin, Kenan Soylu, Laura Vavasseur & Pierre-Adrien Buisson.

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