Q4 2022 Commentary
Core Plus Portfolios

From IRON's Investment Team Leaders...
Both the Portfolio's equity and fixed income allocations generated gains for the quarter.
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Equity Portion
  • The IRON Core Plus portfolio’s equity portion generated a 9.18% gain, compared to gains of 9.76% and 7.56% for the MSCI ACWI Index and the S&P 500 Index
  • On a one-year basis, our volatility was lower than both the MSCI ACWI and S&P 500
  • Additionally, on a one-year basis, our equity allocation produced a smaller maximum drawdown compared to our benchmarks
Fixed Income Portion
  • The fixed income allocation posted a gain of 1.94%, compared to a 1.87% gain for the Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index
  • On a one-year basis, the fixed income allocation has also outperformed its benchmark
  • Additionally, on a one-year basis, our volatility and drawdowns were lower than the fixed income benchmark
Expectations for 2023
We continue to monitor the investment and macro landscapes to adjust Core Plus portfolio holdings. Our goal is to manage the portfolios to produce the best risk-adjusted returns possible over long-term market cycles.
Working Hard For You

As a reminder, your portfolio seeks income and growth balance at your selected risk preference. 

In Case You Missed It...

IRON's Investment Team Leaders recapped Q4 2022.

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Past performance is not indicative of future results. Information is provided for informational purposes only and should not be deemed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security.

The IRON Core Plus portfolios offer diversified exposure to global equities and fixed income in varying proportions in an attempt to maintain varying levels of correlation to the S&P 500. These provide investors with choices representing different amounts of risk and price volatility. The starting weights of the portfolios are as follows: Conservative Portfolio 20% Equity and 80% Fixed Income, Moderately Conservative Portfolio 35% Equity and 65% Fixed Income, Moderate Portfolio 50% Equity and 50% Fixed Income, Moderately Aggressive Portfolio 65% Equity and 35% Fixed Income, Aggressive Portfolio 80% Equity and 20% Fixed Income.

Performance is based on a model from 1/1/2009 inception through 12/31/2019. Performance since 1/1/2020 is based on a composite. Inclusion of a managed account within the composite is determined on a monthly basis, requires investment in a given Core Plus strategy for the entire calendar month, and a beginning monthly balance of at least $50,000. Actual returns for individual client portfolios managed by IRON may vary and do not necessarily coincide exactly with the returns for the model or composite. Actual performance of client portfolios may differ due to the timing related to the actual deployment and investment of a client portfolio, reinvestment of dividends, and client-requested restrictions. Performance for periods longer than a year has been annualized using a geometric mean.

All results are net of commissions (if any). Results for Core Plus 100% Fixed Income are shown net a 0.35% annual advisory fee. Results for all other Core Plus portfolios are shown net a 0.50% annual advisory fee. These are IRON’s highest published fees for these strategies, and results reflect monthly accrued deductions of these fees. Actual fees may vary depending upon, among other things, portfolio size. Accounts are charged quarterly in arrears based on quarter end value adjusted for capital flows. IRON’s fees are available upon request and may be found in our Form ADV Part 2A disclosure brochure.

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