
GIT Tips for taking technology out of the bedroom

Research reveals that 30% of children are not getting enough sleep. We can blame poor sleep habits from birth, extracurricular activities, and homework. Let’s not add sleeping with a phone as an additional deterrent for getting the proper amount of ZZZs.

Using digital devices before bed affects sleep in the following ways:

📱 They fool the brain into not realizing it’s nighttime. 

💻 Electromagnetic radiation disrupts the release of melatonin, a sleep hormone. 

📱 The excitement of the content, video games, television shows, or texting with friends inhibits one from going the Fuc$ to sleep!

Removing technology from the bedroom sets the scene for a good night's sleep. It can also prevent the development of technology-induced sleep problems and device addiction, which impacts brain development.

I get it, coming home late from sports practice, finding time to eat dinner and then do homework leaves little time for teens to connect with their friends... so they stay up late to socialize. 

I am all about balance – not prohibition – when it comes to parenting. If your child is struggling with sleep or experiencing behavior issues, kidnap their screens and tuck them into their own bed (ahem, charging station in a public spot in the house) where only mom and dad have access.

Sweet dreams!

Love, Eirene

P.S. Have you grabbed your copy of my book yet? Being a GIT Mom is a mindset and this book is your manual. Grab your copy on Amazon.

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