
An Introduction To Plein Air Painting
Presented by Bob Green

Wednesday Feb 8, 1:00 pm
Art Room At Desert Pavilion

Bob is a seasonal resident of Terravita from Alaska with a “retirement career”

as a professional oil painter, specializing in landscapes. His paintings are part of

important private and corporate Alaska collections and have hung in the

Anchorage Art Museum.

The presentation will include a very brief discussion of why it is important for

landscape painters to paint outdoors, and a quick history of plein air painting.

Most of the presentation will be centered around the equipment needed to paint

outdoors with a demonstration of Bob’s setup. By the end of the presentation

you should be ready to try painting outdoors yourself! If there is enough

interest, we will discuss forming a Terravita Plein Air Painters’ group.

No charge. Just come and meet your fellow plein air enthusiasts.