Art to Change the World (ACW)  is a diverse non-profit coalition of change makers employing the arts in service of positive social change.
Message from the Director
Message from Barbara Bridges
Question: Can ACW be all things to all people?

Answer: Probably not. 

We CAN, however, pledge not to jump to judgment.

In the graphic above, Kelly Frankenberg tried to identify
what ACW tries to bring to the ACW membership. 

Lots of projects, lots of opinions. 
With 7 billion people on the planet, what is the statistical
probability that your truth is THE truth?
Really - do you have a number?

Be an active listener. Collect all the data.
THEN draw your conclusions.

Raise your voice!

Image created by Frances Bates

California Building 2nd Saturday Gallery
Reception and Thursday Night Painting Pouring

Candy Kuehn and Deborah Foutch now have a mixed media show hanging in the On2 Gallery in the California Building …..( second floor by elevator)  We invite you to play with materials in this wet paint and pour onto fabrics and papers with found objects for texture…
 The pour with instructions will be Thursday evening Feb 9. 6:30 -7:30

Harvesting materials will happen Saturday, Feb. 11, from 2 pm to 4 pm

After Candy and Deborah‘s talk about materials, subjects, and artistic choices @ 1:30 Saturday the 11th before opening the pour packets of joy.

Watch as Assistant Director, Kelly Frankenberg, paints to compete in a live art battle, the first in Minnesota. She’s in the second round at about 2:03:00 in.

f you want to find out how you can be part of an art battle competition, (they have them all over the world) go to
Layl's Piece "Baked Bikini" will be included in the
Exhibit "Revolutionary" at Fresh Eye Gallery


Exhibition Dates: February 15 - March 25, 2023
Reception: Friday, February 17,  6-8 PM
Artist Talk: Wednesday, March 8, 6:30 - 8 PM
Gallery Location:
Fresh Eye Gallery
4238 Nicollet Ave S., Minneapolis, MN 55409
Life On The Spectrum Call for Art
Join ACW’s partnership with Grand Hand Gallery

Did you know that an estimated 1 in 100 children worldwide is born with autism? In order to reduce the stigma of neurodivergent individuals, we must work together to educate ourselves and one another on the condition.
Artists, who participate in this gallery exhibition are tasked with creating a piece of any medium they choose as long as it addresses the given prompt: How has autism changed your world? Both neurodivergent and neurotypical artists are encouraged to apply and draw on their personal experiences with autism. Let’s all come together to talk about what it really means to be on the spectrum.
Call for art details
Target Audience: Those who want to educate themselves about autism, those who are on the  spectrum, have a friend or loved one with special needs,
Mediums- Paintings, drawings, sculptures, ceramics, printmaking, etc.
Subjects- Autism, Neurodivergent, celebrate our differences
Stipend for participation: $100.00

Requirements to apply:
-Must have a current membership through the end of the exhibition (August 4th, 2023): 
-Must have personal experiences with autism/ neurodivergency
-Start:  July 10th (set up)     Stop: August 4
-Artwork Statement due: June 19th (May be up to 8.5 x 11) to
-Artwork drop off date: Artists deliver Art June 26th - July 5th to Grand Hand Gallery  619 Grand Ave, St. Paul, MN 55102
-Opening Night Date: July 13 5 pm -7 pm
-Other Activities: Artist Talk, Music, Community Discussion(s)
-Closing Date: August 4th
-Artwork Pick Up Date: August 5th - 7 th

Application deadline: February 15
If you have questions about the application contact Rose Cooper, Intern, Project Manager

Fundraiser on your Birthday with Facebook

Have you seen your friends on Facebook raising money for non-profits on their birthdays?  Well did you know Art to Change the World is set up to receive these kinds of donations too?  This is a great way to not only fundraise for ACW but also get the word out to your friends and family about this amazing organization!
If you've got a birthday coming up just go to this link to get the step-by-step instructions about how to do a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser: 

We are looking for artists interested in showing their work in the Fox Den Gallery at the Solar Arts Building. Right now we have a few plans in the works and would love for art to be in the Fox Den during those days.
March: Artworks that are orange, maybe about body image
April: Recycled/Repurposed art
May: Art-A-Whirl
June: TBA
August: TBA
September: Literary art
October: TBA
November: Art This Way and Small Business Saturday
December: Holiday Art Shows

Find out more information here:

Interested folks should send questions or applications to
Frances Bates (She/Her)
Fox Den Gallery Coordinator
Layl McDill,  February 22nd
Flux Building, 2505 NE Howard St Minneapolis, 6 PM

You are Invited to Join Club Critique 2023

If you are looking for a place to give and get supportive, intelligent, and rigorous critique of your work then Club Critique is for you! If you are interested, please go to the Club Critique page on the ACW website and read about the project. 
Contact Greg for more information about the 2023 Club Critique:


The purpose of the
Heal & Chill (Art and Wellness Fair) is to promote mental and physical wellness. This is a project is led by ACW members Briauna Williams and Intern, Collin Nelson.
A gentle reminder to take care of self. An all-inclusive community event promoting self-love, confidence and mindfulness The art workshops will be small tables with one on one creating with community artists. Participants will have tools to create this experience at home to combat stress, depression etc. Leaving the fair with created art to take home.

June 3.  11:00 AM-4:00 PM.  There will be a ONE DAY event at Midtown Global Market  920 E Lake St, Minneapolis, MN 55407. Food and product vendors, activities, music, massage, AND an ACW / Global Art Shoppe large work exhibition. 

Send an Application to create a large work- at least 24” X 36”  on the topic of Wellness and Art.  Application:   Send to LuceQuilts by March 1, 2023.

The ACW Climate Change Action Affinity Group

Meet via Zoom on Monday, Feb. 13 at 3 p.m. Contact for the link. To read more about the group’s initial activities and homework, go to the project page:

Inspired by the Collaborative MWMO project, Mississippi River Pearl. Read More:

Finding Healing and Inspiration from Black History by Laura Mann Hill -DEI Coordinator
“This is our national truth: America would not be America without the wealth from Black labor, without Black striving, Black ingenuity, Black resistance.”
Nikole Hannah-Jones, The 1619 Project: Born on the Water
As we begin Black History month, we continue to fight for change in the world in a way that is sustainable, inclusive, equitable, and just and makes space for healing. Making art with the community has been my space for healing. I have learned that while I cannot make systems change in isolation, I can educate myself every day.  The more I learn about how my ancestors resisted and made changes in America, it gives me the strength and affirmation to move forward. We should all look to learn more, celebrate, and center Black History today and every day.  
Here are just a few ways to get started: 
Image: Million Artist Movement
Black History Month Quilting with Million Artist Movement at Golden Thyme
Dates: Feb 2, 9, 16, 23 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Location: Golden Thyme Coffee & Cafe 934 Selby Ave, St Paul, MN 55104
On-Location Drawing Co-op

An informal group that meets at different locations throughout the Twin Cities to draw.
We will be dining at Fresh Tyme Deli which is across the street.
Lunch is optional and is on your dime.
 Further information and updates can be found on our Facebook page
Or email Deb at
Debra Ripp/ Tobersonstudios

Call For Art
Hey all, I’m the writer of the article below on being nonverbal. Do you also have accessibility needs? Perhaps a need for more online activities? Well, if you like making art and sharing your experience in a supportive group, consider joining the program Paint to Process! 
We will be meeting on Discord on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm starting on February 21st. During the first meeting, we can discuss if that schedule will work for everyone. There are four spots available. A free care package of art supplies will be mailed to participants. All you need to do is register, show up, create, and support!
If you are interested please send an email to
Screenshots may be taken for ACW but will only be shared publicly if all members consent.
Best wishes,
Alkemy Frost

Being Nonverbal 

By Alkemy

As a kid, I'd often think "I'll never speak again" and "I wonder if I can make my own sign language..." at the time it was probably chalked up to drama. The times I absolutely couldn't speak were taken as something like stubbornness or some other undesirable mentality. Now I know that I have selective mutism and that is what causes me to have trouble talking.

Selective mutism is when a person can't talk sometimes and is more commonly referred to under the less specific term nonverbal. Someone may be nonverbal some of the time or all of the time. There are a variety of reasons a person may be nonverbal, including but not limited to being Deaf, Autistic, having social anxiety, trauma, a problem with the vocal cords, or a stroke. In my case, I'm Autistic and have social anxiety as well as a vocal cord issue.

So can I talk? Most of the time yes. Do I want to? Not really and in some instances, I absolutely can't. Talking takes a lot more mental work than most people give it credit for. Similar to taking for granted how easy it is to walk when other people have to work really hard at it or can't walk at all.

I want to point out that speaking isn't necessarily better than not speaking. Someone who is forced to speak might be suffering more than someone making the choice not to. What can make it harder though is if there is a lot going on, too many people, I don't know the people around me, I'm tired, I don't feel good, or I'm stressed out. When in smaller more familiar situations with less sensory input I feel less overwhelmed and more inclined to talk. It can also help if the interaction is something more scripted like singing a song I've memorized or reading something written.

There are many ways to communicate, speaking isn’t always one of them. For someone who has experience with being nonverbal, there are other options you can use. Text message, email, handwriting, Text to Speech, Real-Time Text, or American Sign Language (ASL). Unfortunately, not everyone I interact with is willing to accommodate my needs. Patience is key and even if you don’t understand why it is important to follow a person’s accommodations.

Remember, don't take it personally, and give people time. Try turning on Real-Time Text (settings>accessibility) or learning ASL and check out the ebook Gallant by V. E. Schwab to see nonverbal character representation. You can also be a person’s voice if they ask. We really appreciate the support!

Art Speaks: Another way to experience Twin Cities Culture and History

Art WILL change the world and it starts with US! “Art Speaks” is written by Kelly Frankenberg and represents her personal viewpoint, not the policies of ACW. For more info about Kelly and her art, go to
 Could online art tours be the next thing?
Writers are artists, too, portraying culture in their work. Writers collaborated on an anthology titled, Queer Voices, in which I was included, that was commissioned by the Minnesota Historical Society Press.
What’s unique is that the book is included in a new online history tour focusing on LGBTQ+ history in the Twin Cities created by the Minnesota Historical Society in partnership with Twin Cities Pride.
The tours comprise fifty-eight sites across the Twin Cities (thirty-eight in Minneapolis, including Loring Park, and twenty in St. Paul).
The sites can be explored from anywhere, via tablet, desktop computer, or smartphone. They are organized loosely in neighborhood clusters across both cities so that people on foot can realistically visit them without cars. Users can enable location services on their smart devices to understand their current location in proximity to any given site listed on the map. Users can explore beyond the maps by following the external links to 
MNopedia, online essays, and newspaper articles.

Although these sites are not the only ones associated with LGBTQ+ history in the Twin Cities, they were chosen by researchers to represent diverse locations, eras, people, and stories. The themes that emerge are equally diverse and cover protest/activism, legislation (anti- and pro-LGBTQ+), public sex, community resources, bars and nightlife, arts and culture, anti-LGBTQ+ violence, and HIV/AIDS, among others.

TC Pride and MNHS welcome suggestions for future sites and have included a suggestion form with the maps for community members to make their voices heard.
The QR code links to the map of locations, and then people can select a location to visit or learn more about.

The Twin Cities LGBTQ+ History Tours 

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