MAHC Events
Apr. 4, 9-10:30 am, Maine Housing, 26 Edison Drive, Augusta
Jun. 6, 9-10:30 am, Location TBD
Need Your Input - What's Your Development Pipeline or Capacity to Build? Help Us Advocate for Housing Funding
As MAHC testifies and advocates to support funding to build affordable housing for those who need it most, we need to know about your pipeline. We know there are projects across Maine that only need subsidy funding to start construction, but we don't know how many units statewide and what region they are in. We also know construction companies have the capacity to begin building housing, but we need to quantify how many units of construction capacity there are across Maine. Help tell the story, and respond to this very short survey. All information is anonymous and will only be shared in aggregate. Thank you.
TAKE SURVEY. Share the survey with other Maine developers or construction companies.
- MAHC board members, membership, and staff testified in favor of the proposed biennial budget, LD 258, that includes $30 million for producing affordable housing with $15 million for the Rural Affordable Rental Housing Program and $15 million for the Low Income Tax Credit program. Sharing the pipeline of development ready to build if there is funding will be an important message moving forward. MAHC's testimony is here.
- MAHC presented to the new Joint Select Committee on Housing on Feb 10, about the need for funding to address the lack of supply of housing. The committee meets on Tuesday afternoons at 1 pm and Friday mornings at 9 am. You can listen to meetings here.
- The Governor's State of the Budget Address highlighted funding for housing. Housing remarks here.
In Case You Missed It:
- Background information and talking points to consider as you advocate for housing in Maine - click here. Core message: Maine is in a housing crisis. The number one issue is the lack of supply of affordable housing. Maine needs to invest in increasing the supply of affordable housing to meet the current overwhelming demand. There is a pipeline of projects ready to build if funding is available. All people in Maine deserve a home.
- Key bills MAHC is supporting that we ask you advocate for are as follows. We will share bill language and LD numbers as they are released:
- Housing bond - LR 358 - Sen. Daughtry
- Land Use - LR 1001 - Rep. Malon
- ADU Development - LR 759 - Sen. Pouliot
- Abandoned Property - LD144 - Rep. Sachs. See bill language here. See MAHC's testimony delivered to the Taxation Committee on February 7th here.
Workshops for Municipalities, Community Groups, and Developer/Builders
Six "how to" in-person and virtual Genesis Fund workshops in different rural regions of the state are part of our new project with MaineHousing to help developers and community partners put together affordable housing projects. The first one, serving towns from Ellsworth to Machias, attracted nearly 40 attendees.
These rural-focused workshops explain the project development process, various steps to present a project for approvals and financing, and how to assemble a project team. They're geared to municipalities working to attract projects to their communities, community groups interested in supporting the development of a housing project, and developer/builders who have some ideas and capacity but have never worked with MaineHousing or on affordable housing.
Skowhegan: 1:00-2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 28, Skowhegan Center for Entrepreneurship, 181 Water Street
Presque Isle: 1:00-2:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 16, Sargent Family Conference Room in Presque Isle City Hall, 12 Second Street
Waldoboro: 1:00-2:30 p.m. on Weds. March 22, Waldoboro Town Office - Public Safety building, 1600 Atlantic Highway (US Rt. 1)
In addition to in-person, sessions will be available for virtual participation on each day of presentation - please contact John Egan at the Genesis Fund by email or by phone at 207.844.2035 x13 FMI and/or for the link to access the video conference.
Join NLIHC, NAEH, and CBPP Webinar on Homelessness and Housing First on February 21!
NLIHC, the National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH), and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) invite advocates nationwide to register for the third webinar in our series on homelessness and Housing First.
The webinar, “Housing First Promotes Health,” will be held on Tuesday, February 21, from 2:30 to 4 pm ET. The webinar will provide an overview of the research on Housing First and health, the important role state governments can have in bringing housing and supportive services together, and the opportunities and challenges for implementing Housing First for people with significant health challenges. |
Equity, Climate, and More: New York’s Forward-Looking Housing Policy
Registration Now Open
Wednesday, February 22, 1:00-2:00pm EST |
Join us as Up for Growth delves into Governor Kathy Hochul's proposed Housing Compact legislation at our first Pro-Housing Webinar of 2023.
The Housing Compact is a major legislative proposal that has the potential to benefit the lives of New Yorkers by eliminating barriers to housing and boosting production across the state.
Our panel will unpack the results of similar policies implemented in other states, providing valuable insights and lessons learned that can inform the potential impact of the Housing Compact legislation in New York.
This webinar is eligible for 1 CM Credit from APA. |
Featuring a special introduction from RuthAnne Visnauskas
Commissioner. New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal |
Megan Kirkeby
Califonia Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) |
Anne Fritzel, AICP
Housing Programs Manager, Washington State Department of Commerce |
Michaela Zonta
Senior Policy Analyst, Housing Policy
Center for American Progress |
James Williams
Director of Racial Justice Policy, Fair Share Housing Center |
Show Love for Affordable Housing by Registering for NLIHC’s Housing Policy Forum 2023!
Find a New MAHC Member? Get a Gift.
We are launching a new MAHC membership promotion. If you help MAHC recruit a new member in 2023, you can get a free MAHC water bottle, and the sincerest thanks from the MAHC Board, and the thousands of Maine people that need a home.
Check out our membership list here and reach out to let us know who is missing that might be interested in a MAHC membership.
You can invite them to try out membership by attending a MAHC member event with you. Simply let MAHC know who you will be bringing here.