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3 月号 |Mar 2023

目次/Table of contents 

  1. VJLS-JH 新ウェブサイト公開/VJLS-JH New Website Launch 
  2. 丸山浩平総領事訪問 / Consul General Kohei Maruyama Visits 
  3. 新理事会員紹介/Meet our new Board Members!
  4. 異動スタッフ紹介/New Position 
  5. 2023-2024 お申込み受付開始/2023-2024 Registration Open-CW  
  6. 日本語学校キンダーオープンハウス/VJLS Kinder Open House -CW 
  7. 節分/Setsubun  –VJLS 
  8. JALTA お話発表会/ JALTA Speech Recital –VJLS 
  9. 書初め展示会 / Calligraphy Exhibition –VJLS 
  10. スプリングキャンプ&スクール/Spring Camp & School -VJLS 
  11. JLPT対策コース/JLPT Prep Course-VJLS 
  12. 10週間平日夕方コース春学期/10-week Weekday Evening Course Spring Term -VJLS 
  13. 2023-2024 お申込み受付開始/2023-2024 Registration Open -VJLS 
  14. ジャパングリッシュカフェ/ JapanGlish Cafe-Program & Event 
  15. おかえり- 国外追放から帰還:すべての道は家へと続く/Okaeri おかえり Return from Exile: All Paths Lead Home –Community 

VJLS-JH 新ウェブサイト公開!

VJLS-JH New Website Launch!


VJLS-JH new website is now live! Go check out to find our exciting news, events, programs, board and staff bio and more!  

VJLS-JH New Website


Consul General Kohei Maruyama Visits


Consul General Kohei Maruyama visited VJLS-JH. He made a tour of Children’s World and VJLS afternoon classes as well as the New Year's calligraphy exhibition which was held at the hall. 


Meet our new Board Members!

2023年1月28日に開催しました年次総会において、Yuko Suda、Eri Chiang、Tim Schofieldの3名の新理事をお迎えしました。それぞれのスキルや時間を当団体の活動へ貢献していただけることとても嬉しく思います。理事会員のプロフィールはこちらをご覧ください。 

On January 28, 2023, we welcomed three new directors to the VJLS-JH Board at our AGM: Yuko Suda, Eri Chiang, and Tim Schofield. We are excited to have them join our Board and contribute their skills to the work we are doing at this exciting and interesting time! For more information, you can read their profiles here


New Position


We are pleased to announce that two staff members have been transferred within the organization. You can read their profiles here.

Yumi Kawaoka/Admin Coordinator 


今後は日本語学校、こどものくにの全プログラムのレジストレーション管理、コミュニティプログラムコーディネーターのサポート等など組織内の業務効率、コミュニケーションの円滑化に注力させて頂きます。 今後、受付に座る時間は少し減りますが、何かお困りやご相談(もちろん雑談も大歓迎です)ございましたらいつでもオフィスでお声かけ下さい。 


"I have been working as VJLS-JH's Office Coordinator since last May, and now I am proud to have been promoted to Administrative Manager. I feel a great sense of honour to be entrusted with such an important role and set of responsibilities. I would like to take this opportunity to thank of all the parents, students, board members, volunteers, teachers, and admin staff for their support. 

I will be focusing on improving operational efficiency and facilitating communication within the organization. This will include managing registration for all VJLS and Children’s World programs and supporting the Community Programming Coordinator. Although I will be spending a little less time at the reception, please feel free to contact me at the office if you have any questions or concerns (chatting is also welcome!).  

I am committed to working hard for sustainable financial management and would like to give back to our students, parents, and community members.  I appreciate your continued support and look forward to working with all of you!" 

Misaki Kawai/Community Programing Coordinator 

604-254-2551 /   
Misaki joined us in September 2022 and has been working for VJLS as a Japanese teacher and private tutor. From March 6, while continuing to teach Japanese, she will be also responsible for managing volunteers, supporting community programs and events, and managing reception as the Community Programming Coordinator on the weekday. Please feel free to stop by reception and contact Misaki when you have questions. 
604-254-2551 /  

Children's World Childcare Division

2023-2024 お申込み受付開始

2023-2024 Registration Open


We will be opening registrations for the 2023-2024 Children’s World Toddler Class and Preschool on Wednesday, March 1, at 10am. Early registration is highly recommended, as we have a limited number of spots available!  
To apply, visit here


VJLS Kinder Open House


日程:2023 年 3 月 11 日(土) 午後 1 時~1 時半  
場所:バンクーバー日本語学校 キンダークラス (3階)、487 Alexander St Vancouver 

The Japanese Language School (VJLS) will hold a Kinder class open house for parents of 4-year-olds. We have some toys that children can play with in the classroom, so your child is also welcome to join the open house!  

Date: Saturday, March 11, 2023, 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm.   
Location: Vancouver Japanese Language School Kinder Class (3rd Floor), 487 Alexander St Vancouver 

お問い合わせ:  こどものくに園長:  芳賀 満 (604-254-2551)
Contact Mitsuru Haga-Bronstyn, Children's World Division Manager.

Japanese Language School Division 



 2月4日、VJLSの教室に鬼がやってきました。「鬼は外!福は内!」と元気な声を出しながら豆を投げ、鬼を追い払いました。 今年から対面授業に戻ったアダルトクラスの生徒も加わり、恒例の節分豆まきイベントを多くの生徒が楽しみました。 

Setsubun is a Japanese traditional event held on Feb 3 to pray for our happy and healthy life. On that day, we throw away beans towards devils saying "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi! (Devils out! Happiness in!)" 

On Feb 4, devils also came to the VJLS classrooms and students threw beans to drive them away.  Students in our Adult classes were also able to join the Setsubun event this time with the return to in-person classes. 

JALTA お話発表会

JALTA Speech Recital


On February 12, JALTA held its first storytelling event in three years at VJLS-JH. From VJLS, Elementary grade 1 student Ema Suzuki, Junior High Grade 1 students Jazmin Hiromoto and Ayato Mishima, Fundamental E student Faith Katzfroth, and Fundamental F student Marcus Blackmore gave excellent speechs about their experiences and interests.  


Calligraphy Exhibition


We exhibited a total of 179 New Year's calligraphies that included submissions from students in Elementary Grade 3 through to our Adult and Calligraphy classes. Many parents and students came visit to see the works presented in the Hall which were written with dreams and hopes for the new year while feeling the "joy of writing". 


Spring Camp & School


時間:キャンプ 午前9時30分から午後1時30分、スクール 午後2時~4時 
料金:キャンプ $180/週、キャンプ&スクール $250/週 

Vancouver Japanese Language School will offer Spring Camp and Spring School in March 2023. We're preparing a variety of fun activities! Join us! 

Period: Mar 13-17 & 20-24, 2023 
Time: Camp: 9:30am-1:30pm, School: 2:00pm-4:00pm 
Age: Kinder-Grade7 
Fee: Camp: $180/week , Camp & School: $250/week 

Application Period: Until March 6 at 5pm. 

For more information and to register, visit here.

JLPT 対策コース

JLPT Prep Course

バンクーバー日本語学校では、2023年3月31日からJLPT準備コースを開講します。申込受付中です! VJLSでしっかり対策をして試験に臨もう!  
お問い合わせ:日本語学校長 藤井清子 


Registration is now open for our 10-week JLPT Prep Course starting from March 31, 2023.  Let’s prepare for the JLPT together!   

Visit our website for more details and registration.


10-week Weekday Evening Course Spring Term

平日夜間クラスでは、旅行やビジネスで必要な日本語や日本文化を10週間で習得します。 日常会話に役立つ語彙やフレーズを学ぶだけでなく、クラスメイトや先生と実際に会話しながら、短期間で会話力をアップさせます。 


Weekday Evening Classes are 10-week programs that are ideal for quickly learning the Japanese language and culture for travel or business purposes.  In this course, you will not only learn useful vocabulary and phrases for daily conversation, but also improve conversational skills in a short period by actually speaking with classmates and teachers! 

The Spring Term (Apr- Jun) will begin from April 4th. The registration will be opened on March 7th, 2023, at 10apm. 

For more details and registration, visit here

2023-2024 日本語学校お申込み受付開始

2023-2024 VJLS Registration Open  


We will open registration for the 2023-2024 school year from Tuesday, April 11, 2023, at 10am.
In addition to the Japanese language program for kinder through adult, we also provide calligraphy and extracurricular classes. Please note that all VJLS students enrolled this school year will also need to register every year. 

お問い合わせ:校長 藤井清子
Contact Kiyoko Fujii, Principal, for more info. 

Programs and Events



JapanGlish Cafe

春まで隔週で開催します。(夏までの開催も検討中)時間は4:30から5:45まで。 VJLS-JH生徒会が運営いたします。 


Interested in practicing your Japanese and/or your English and meeting new friends? Beginner, intermediate and advanced English and Japanese learners are welcome to join us at VJLS-JH's 'Japanglish' Cafe! 

The program will run bi-weekly through the spring with the possibility of extending into the summer. The 2022 Japanglish Café program is being led and coordinated by the VJLS-JH Student Council. 

Get a ticket here
Inquiry: Naoyori Murata ( 

Community Division 

おかえり- 国外追放からの帰還:すべての道は家へと続く

Okaeri おかえり Return from Exile: All Paths Lead Home

日系博物館・文化センター(NNMCC)とバンクーバー日本語学校並びに日系人会館(VJLS-JH)が協同し、「Okaeri おかえり Return from Exile: All Paths Lead Home/おかえり 国外追放からの帰還」プロジェクトを発表しました。 




The Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre and the Vancouver Japanese Language School & Hall are proud to announce the launch of Okaeri おかえり Return from Exile: All Paths Lead Home. 
Okaeri おかえり is an oral history project featuring 21 interviews with Japanese Canadians who lived through the Second World War. It shares individual experiences of the nisei or second-generation Japanese Canadians who lived through internment in Canada, and the kika-nisei, who were also nisei but were uprooted to Japan and later returned to Canada in the 1950s. All life stories share the challenges of survival and what returning home meant to them. Okaeri おかえり means ‘welcome back home.’ 

You can watch the interviews on NNMCC YouTube channel


✨Follow us✨ 


Do you know we’re active on multiple social media platforms? 
Follow us on social media - pick your favorite platform and connect with us - to find out event information and updates.  
🔶Instagram: @vjls.jh 
🔶Facebook: @vjls.jh 
🔶Twitter: @JapaneseHall 
🔶LinkedIn: Vancouver Japanese Language School and Japanese Hall 

Copyright © 2020 Vancouver Japanese Language School & Japanese Hall, All rights reserved.

Our contact information is:
487 Alexander Street, Vancouver, BC V6A 1C6

604-254-2551.  E-mail us at

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