
Volume 4, Issue 8

Mid Training: Keeping the mental edge

Running can be as much mental as it is physical. Training and running takes a level of focus and commitment that goes beyond a physical routine. You have to deal with soreness and know when to stop to preserve your physical health. You have to overcome shortcomings in training and racing. You have to make a conscious decision to go on each run.

So what should you do if you are in the middle of training and just don’t feel up to it mentally?

Skip a day - Take a day and regroup mentally. It won’t torpedo your training plan and you will come out rejuvenated the following day. The biggest thing to be careful with here is to stay focused mentally so one day off doesn’t turn into two, three, or four.

Plan ahead - Make sure you know what you will be running in the coming week, two weeks, and month ahead. Knowing what you have ahead of you and mentally preparing for it will help keep your focus strong.

Visualization - Picture yourself finishing a run or think about how you’ll feel after the run. This is especially helpful if you are coming off a bad run or you are facing a new, strenuous workout. If you need motivation to stay on your plan, picture yourself crossing the finish line of your goal race. Even simpler, picture yourself at mile 10 of your upcoming long run or starting your sixth 800m interval for an upcoming Track Tuesday.

Talk to other runners - This is my absolute best piece of advice if you’re not feeling it mentally. Every single runner has gone through this. If there’s one thing runners like to do, it’s telling war stories to other runners. This is great for a few reasons. The first is sometimes it’s therapeutic to just get it out of your system. Sometimes if you just say out loud that something stinks, it leaves your mind for good. Secondly, the person you’re talking to may have some words of wisdom or advice for you. It may not be 100% right for you and your circumstances, but you can apply it to what you do. Finally, there’s a certain level of pressure that gets alleviated when you know that you’re not alone. When you hear that another runner, who you perceive as being a better runner, has had similar difficulties, it’s a weight off your back. The pack mentality in training with others goes beyond just the physical running.


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