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Dear <<First Name>>,

If you read our previous newsletter, you already know I have a thing for puns and pop references. It’s literally in the title 🎶

But these are only a few of my favorite things. I am writing this newsletter in the hope of sharing more of them with you, like sourcing, recruitment, better representation, advocating for more diversity and inclusion, educating about disability
I have also been thinking about the concept of “allyship” lately, and to me there is no initiative too small when it comes to being an ally. Every action to uplift and help give visibility to under-represented people and minorities is important.

We should all strive to be an ally in our day to day life.

As such, today’s edition aims to provide you with some food for thought on this topic! 

✅ The Allyance newsletter provides many useful references on recruitment, diversity and inclusion. What follows are some stimulating articles about women of color in the workplace, representation in administrative paperwork, jerks getting promoted faster, product management and GDPR in recruitment.


✊🏿 On the topic of allyship, we start with a study about women of color in the workplace, about the obstacles they face to get acknowledged in their job and promoted to higher roles. Hindered by years of systemic racism and rampant unconscious biases, that never allowed them to catch up with their white colleagues, women of color could use more allies in every aspect of their career, and especially in their managers.

This article presents a sobering context before proceeding to share actionable solutions to be a better ally for women of color in the workplace. 

Quote: “They are less likely to have bosses who promote their work contributions to others, help them navigate organizational politics, or socialize with them outside of work. Thus, they’re often left out of the informal networks that propel most high-potentials forward in their careers. They lack the kind of meaningful mentoring and sponsorship that is critical for getting ahead.

Read the article


✅ We all know that representation matters, and every little bit of representation being added on any form is already a victory. Administrative paperwork is, and always will be, unavoidable. As such, it is extremely important to make sure everyone feels seen and has a possibility to choose how they want to be identified.
This article details the changes started by the Biden administration in order to add more layers for people from under-represented groups to identify themselves better. The changes also include the removal of outdated language elements, including those that could be considered slurs or insults.

This is important progress that could lead to more visibility and better representation for minorities.  

Quote: “But when there is no aspect of anyone's life that is not touched by census data and your community is rendered invisible in the data when you cannot get an accurate count about it, I think it's pretty extraordinary to understand that this initial real estate on the census form is a big deal.

Read the article


👉 We probably all know one: a terrible jerk with a massive ego, who usually gets their way through bullying and aggressiveness. From the highschool bully to the one we unwillingly share an office with, it’s a common personality both in the workplace and outside, but does their success come from that behavior? 

This study, brought to you by Cameron Anderson after he witnessed Donald Trump being elected president in 2016, gives us some really interesting answers. 

Quote: “From Ivan the Terrible to Elon Musk, there seems to be a well-documented pattern of assholes who wind up in charge. Surely, we think, they must have gotten ahead — at least in part — because of their despicable personalities. Even worse, all the cutthroat role models we're surrounded by at work make us hesitant about being nice ourselves. We worry that the bullies and backstabbers will eat us for lunch as they march their way up the corporate ladder. 

Read the article


⚙️ According to Valentin Ménard, Lead Product Manager at ManoMano, the life of a Product Manager isn’t without tribulations.
After all, what is a Product Manager exactly, what do they do? We know on some level, but it’s not always easy to explain nor understand what it means, much less so in simple and practical terms. So, how does one do a job that isn’t quite understood, not even by the product managers themselves sometimes?

In this insightful survival kit, Valentin Ménard gives you some tips 👇

Quote: “Product Management has existed for a long time, but the way to do it significantly changed with the digital era. Tech companies shaped this role with a new view of the organization’s structure, leadership, and methods. This is because of specificities at the heart of the digital industry and the paralleled emergence of new schools of thought.

Read the article


C’est très souvent une des bêtes noires du recrutement : comment collecter, traiter et stocker des données personnelles, le tout en accord avec le RGPD ?

Pour répondre à cette question tout en précisant les éléments légaux mis à jour, la CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés) a publié récemment un guide très complet sur les fondamentaux à maîtriser et à comprendre pour assurer une protection des données personnelles optimale. 

Quote: “L’essor des nouvelles technologies a multiplié les canaux de recrutement (réseaux sociaux, publicité personnalisée, moteurs de recherche spécialisés, etc.) et les outils de communication utilisés (visioconférence, agents conversationnels ou chatbots, applications mobiles, etc.). Il a également entraîné la constitution de bases de données d’un volume important permettant l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle ou encore le recours à des outils pour évaluer le « savoir être » et prendre en compte les « soft skills » des candidats.
Au regard des risques considérables d’atteinte à la vie privée des candidats, il est essentiel que les recruteurs veillent à préserver leurs droits et libertés.

Télécharger le guide

🚀 New article on how The Allyance helped Believe attract more diverse Tech talent
👏 Elisa will join Amplitude Studio as a UI/UX Designer
🙌 Sandra will join the Learning Planet Institute as a Fullstack Engineer
💪 Morgane successfully finished coaching a Software Engineer  
🇫🇷 Caroline has been mentioned in
the 100 personalities impacting the digital world 
🔎 We are still looking for
various roles, don’t hesitate to apply!

🍧  Contact us if you want to know more:

This is the end and if you made it this far, kudos!
This edition is full of good reads and interesting conversation starters that you can use both in your professional and personal life. Indeed,
allyship doesn't stop at the office and it's an everyday state of mind.

Thank you for taking the time to read this musical interlude, and I hope you have at least one song stuck in your head now 🎶 How many references did you spot? 

One last one for the road :


Our next edition will be the Imperial March 😎

Morgane Dalbergue, Sourcing & Recruitment Expert

If you need more content, discover The Allyance's first editions.

💝 Until our next newsletter, feel free to follow us on Instagram, Twitter & Linkedin.
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