
 Acne and food sensitivity

I’ve written about this before, but I will write on the topic again. This article will also be in my future blog post, so you won’t lose this information.

Most people aren’t aware that breakouts may be caused by your favorite healthy foods. There’s a misconception that if you eat organic food then you’re eating “well”, meaning healthy food does no harm. In my professional experience, I’ve started to notice the connection between food sensitivity and acne breakouts.
Food sensitivity vs food allergy.

When you have an allergic reaction to something you consume, you immediately notice and become cautious. However, food sensitivity is different. Many of my clients have food sensitivity issues.

Food sensitivity, to me, is the skin sending you a message to say that there’s too much in our system. Your body is having difficulty absorbing or eliminating nutrients due to the constant consumption.

It isn’t about the food type, whether it’s whole, organic, healthy, or unhealthy. In particular, if you’ve just received 10 facials and you’re still breaking out in the same place, the cause is more than likely to be food sensitivity.

I have two recommendations which I give my acne facial clients.
Food elimination test for two weeks

1: Write down what you consume every day for one week.

First, write down what you consume every day. Take note that it may be condiments! Do you notice that you eat the same food every day? It could be your favorite avocado!

2: Eliminate that food for two weeks, then re-introduce it.

I had a client who had been breaking out in the same places every month. She went to a holistic doctor and then consumed only whole and organic foods. After she eliminated oat milk, which she used daily, the breakouts stopped.

Eliminate the food(s) that you consume constantly over those two weeks, then re-introduce. Compare your skin during the elimination time and after the re-introduction. Most of my clients have been able to identify the cause of that sensitivity.

I don’t believe that you need to eliminate this food forever. Rather, just take a break and give some other food a chance. If you have a particularly stoic diet, increase the variety.
Supplement and herbs elimination

Are those supplements really necessary? If they weren’t prescribed to you by your physician, those healthy supplements and herbs may be the cause. Do the elimination test for these, too. This is a hidden problem which some people develop.
Food sensitivity test

I highly recommend a food sensitivity test like below. It checks your blood and tests it against over 90 items. This is a good enough to start which provides some clearer guidance.

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After the results, be mindful to set your daily diet according to your body and reactions, not general information.
Listen to your skin!

Check your skin and start noticing the message it’s giving you. The body is always trying to communicate with you. Remember the good skin days and bad skin days.

What’s the difference? What did you do? Just like developing the mind-body connection, start developing your mind-skin connection. This will help you avoid any more breakouts.


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