Affinity Rainbow Publications
Ali Spooner Special
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 Ali Spooner Sale
Why do I write?
Sometimes I ask myself this very question. I come from a long line of storytellers and have always enjoyed the spinning tales of my family’s life and adventures. With so much angst and negativity in our reality, I use writing to escape to a better time and place. Many stories are laced with adventures or activities I have experienced with a great deal of creative embellishment. I was born and raised in the country and embraced my southern heritage. I’ve driven tractors, baled hay, hunted, fished, and grown the foods we lived on. Many of my books share the love of family, which was how I was raised. You work hard, and you play hard together.

In the South, food is important. We celebrate everything from birth to death with food, with usually plenty to spare. Just don’t misplace someone’s prized Corningware or casserole dish. We also pride ourselves in our cooking creativity. Occasionally, I have added some of the recipes discussed in the stories to the end of my books. I smile when someone messages me to say the food described made them hungry or to ask for a recipe. I love sharing recipes my family uses.

I’ve never been a psychic, werewolf, or vampire, but writing allows me to create their world and adventures. I enjoy the creative freedom the paranormal genre gives me; it was my first love of storytelling. Sasha Thibodaux has her own three-book series, which was my initial spark in writing. I do love series. I get invested in my characters, so it’s hard to say goodbye and never write “The End.” I never know when that character will storm back into my imagination, demanding another story.

I am in the process of learning how to write short stories. In the South, we can’t just say a simple “hello.” It may take five minutes for us to properly greet someone, so I’m working on creating more detail with fewer words. I have three successful short stories, and I hope to add more.

I am a firm believer in happy endings, and while there is angst in my stories, I do not allow that to be the story’s focal point. I want the relationships of the characters, lovers, family, and friends to be the focus.

Speaking of happy endings. Affinity is placing my books on sale for a short period, 20% off until the end of the month. If you haven’t read my books or need to catch up, this would be an excellent time to make some purchases. Thanks for your support and encouragement. Happy reading!

My next book being released from Affinity is Out and Loud, the final book in the Songwriter Series on March first. These three books follow the lives of five young country artists who have traveled to Nashville to break into the world of country music. When they realized their chance of success as solo artists were minimal, they created the Bentleys. Working hard together to create lyrics and songs, the group began to find success along their journey. There is some angst to each book and they follow the romance between Cedra and Juliet. There is a great supporting cast that adds depth and plenty of adventure.


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