
How did you start your day?

Well, well, well…will you look at the date! It is February 14th, the traditional day of celebrating love. And based on what I have experienced and currently witnessing, the celebration is all about someone that you have your eyes on. Many spouses have been scrambling around, asking social media or friends and family, what should they get for their loved one on this celebration of love day. And while all of this is occurring, another generational tone is being set. That the celebration of love on February 14th should be heavily focused outward. And to that I ask, What about you? Why can’t February 14th be about celebrating love inward FIRST?!

How many times has a friend called you, or you overheard a coworker talking about the disappointment of not getting "what they wanted" for Valentine’s Day? And how many times did you do a lil eye roll and think, “Damn they ungrateful”. Well maybe not, but you get the idea. We are so focused on giving a tangible gift to someone with the hopes of receiving something just as great, and for them to have an expected reaction that the purpose of the day gets muddled. I say, why not gift yourself with something great? Why not start the gift giving and love celebration with yourself? You know what you want, what you need and what you can afford to have in your life.

Here's my disclaimer: This is not to say you should not get gifts for your loved ones or celebrate love on Valentine’s Day. This is to say be sure to gift and celebrate yourself FIRST!

So today, I want to gift you with the ultimate form of celebrating love for yourself, and allowing you the opportunity to join The Lioness Den absolutely *FREE! Yes, you can become a member of Richmond’s newest community based, ladies only social organization. Throughout the year, The Lioness Den will offer support for women, social activities, private gatherings, quarterly gift boxes, and so much more!

So do this Valentine’s Day the right way and secure your spot today! Use code LOVEMEMORE at to learn more and get started today! Take a peek at the FAQs right here!

*Waiver of the application fee

The Lioness Den