Department Status Approved!

Official Announcement!
To: School of Medicine faculty, staff, and students
From: Mary E. Klotman, MD, Dean, Duke University School of Medicine
Subject: Division of Urology Elevated to Department Status; Faerber Named Interim Chair
The Division of Urology within the Department of Surgery will be elevated to department status, effective July 1, 2023. The Duke University Board of Trustees approved the resolution in October 2022, followed by the Duke University’s Health System Board of Directors’ approval in November 2022. Elevation from division to department signals the growth and independence of the division. Department status enhances awareness and recognition nationally and aids in the ability to recruit faculty in the specialty.
Note from the Division Chief
To my fellow urology faculty: Thank you! This achievement is due to your hard work, not just over the past year and a half, but all the years leading up to this momentous occasion. Your dedication and hard work leading up to this moment allowed us to reach our collective goal. I want to express my deepest appreciation to the transition team who were invaluable to me in preparing our successful proposal to Duke leadership.
I want to thank Shelley Opila, our lead division administrator, who has been instrumental and vital in assisting me with crafting our impressive proposal. She is now doing all the hard work administratively to get us ready to becoming a department - no easy task!
I wish to extend my gratitude to our current resident and fellow trainees. Education is one of our main missions as a division and will remain so as a department.
To all our former Duke Urology faculty and graduate trainees. Thank you for your collective support! Hope to see you at the DYSURIA reception at the AUA in Chicago!
I especially wish to thank the division chiefs who preceded me, Drs. Glenn Preminger, Judd Moul, David Paulson, James Glenn and the founding "chief", Edwin Alyea. All had a vision that Duke Urology would be world leaders in urologic care, education and research. I've included a link to a YouTube video by Dr. Paul Coughlin on the History of Duke Urology
Finally, to all the supporters of Duke Urology, I want to extend my utmost gratitude to you for your previous generosity. As we transition to Department status, I fervently hope you will continue to support the goals and aspirations of Duke Urology as we look to the future.
Go Duke Urology!

Dr. Catherine deVries, Professor of Urology at University of Utah, presented a lecture on "Global Surgery: an Evolving Field" at Combined Urology and Department of Surgery Ground Rounds on February 1, 2023. Dr. deVries founded International Volunteers in Urology in 1995 and is one of the foremost authorities of global surgery to improve surgical care across the world. Dr. deVries was excited to return to Duke where she received a MS in Pathology prior to attending medical school.
John Wiener MD, Gary Faerber MD, Catherine deVries MD, Glenn Preminger MD, and Jeff Gingrich MD
Once again, Duke Urology had great results from the annual Residents Match. In July, we will be welcoming the following top medical school graduates:
John Wiener MD was elected as a member of the American Association of Genitourinary Surgeons this month. He was recently named the Section Editor for Adolescent Urology for the Journal of Pediatric Urology. He received funding from Urovant for "A Phase 2/3 Open-Label, Baseline-Controlled, Multicenter, Long-Term Study to Evaluate the Safety, Efficacy, and Pharmacokinetics of Vibegron in Pediatric Subjects 2 Years to <18 Years of Age with Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity on Clean Intermittent Catherization."
Kamal Golla, MD was awarded the SESAUA Travel Scholarship to participate in the American Urological Association Advocacy Summit in Washington DC February 27th - March 3rd, 2023.
Michael Odom, PhD , a post-doc fellow in the Dr. Purves' and Hughes' lab, won Best Poster at the CARIBU (Collaboration for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology) and first place for oral abstract presentation at the Society for Pelvic Research meeting for "Destrusor contractility via FP receptor activation is increased in diabetic mice with bladder underactivity."
Anissa Cervantes ,working in Dr. Purves' and Hughes' lab, won second place for oral abstract presentation at the Society for Pelvic Research meeting for "Specialized pro-resolving mediator Resolvin E1 improves diabetic bladder dysfunction in Akita mice."
April 2-4, 2023 - DUKE UROLOGIC ASSEMBLY – Wild Dunes Resort, Kiawah Island, SC
Bringing together world-renowned healthcare professional addressing current issues and technologies for the diagnoses and treatments in the subspecialties of urology and urologic oncology.
For further information and registration, see link below: